Securing AI-Powered Platforms: Best Practices for Protecting Entrepreneurial Data

Securing AI-Powered Platforms: Best Practices for Protecting Entrepreneurial Data

Best practices for securing AI platforms and protecting entrepreneurial data

Brief outline of this article

ChaGPT, TensorFlow, GoogleAI, IBM, Microsoft, etc, are AI-powered platforms. Such platforms are developed using the latest technologies, especially artificial intelligence. This is a specialty of AI-powered platforms that are scalable and can evolve and train. Such models can easily run AI-based software.

One of the unique abilities of such platforms is automation. Automation has made our lives way easier compared to non-automated machines. Now, we have AI-powered software and devices as well, which keep track of user preferences. This provides users with a personalized experience. These devices entertain and help with everyday tasks. Anticipation is one of the most amazing features of such platforms.

The number and use of AI-powered platforms have grown dramatically. It is not only part of our houses and personal devices but also huge enterprises are using this evil genius technology. To use it you have to use your credentials. The hackers try to access these credentials to enter the system and harm you or your company.
No matter how secure you develop such things, there is a similar technology to breach into and access confidential data. It can not only ruin someone’s life but also the credibility of an organization. Hence, the increased number of such cybercrimes demands some practices for protecting entrepreneurial data.

This article will only focus on securing the data stored in any AI-powered entrepreneurial database. Such databases contain sensitive data about their clients and recently registered firms. Storing this data is not a problem, but securing it from cyber attacks is a real challenge.

A small leak of such data can either reveal a company’s business secrets, which other companies will copy in no time, or ruin a firm’s reputation. Hence such data must be secured all the time along with the feature of authorized access.

In case of deletion of the entrepreneurial data, the company will have nothing to process and draw heuristics about the upcoming business opportunities not only for the firm itself but also for others. The innovation we are experiencing nowadays is the product of the information derived from this data. Similarly, sustainable growth, quality, and value are also the outputs of this data.

Best Practices for Protecting Entrepreneurial Data

As we have mentioned earlier, losing such important data can lead to a company’s failure, as this data is necessary for data processing to get useful information. This information helps businesses grow, sustain, and evolve. Hence, it is crucial to use the best practices to protect entrepreneurial data. Please note that we use as many methods to secure this data as possible:

1. Implement User Authentication Methods

When a firm gets registered, we ask it to define a password so only they have the authority to access that particular account using it. We also provide them unlimited chances to change their passwords, not only for security purposes but also in case they forget them. They use these special codes to log in every time and access their secret data.

Using passwords is a good approach but not the best as these can not only be cracked, when not created carefully but also be captured using keylogger programs. Hence, such a system with sensitive data needs to prevent unauthorized access. Users must be forced to create strong passwords.

Some apps or devices accessing the database might use PINs. The longer the pin lesser the chance of unauthorized access. Security questions are the best method of implementing and verifying user authentication, especially when combined with the password.

2. Data Encryption

This method is centuries old and was borrowed from well-known people such as Caesar. He was a general who used to encrypt his letters so the enemy forces could not understand them in case the letter carrier got caught. Other armies also used such methods to secure the information, which could lead to victories.

Hence, to secure any AI-powered platform with sensitive entrepreneurial data in it we must use the encryption methods at all costs. It will store the data in a form that is not understandable to the one who accesses the database illegally with bad intent. Here we are talking about something more than Column-Level, Symetiric, and Asymmetric encryption methods.

3. Monitoring Database Activity using DAM Tools

It is not only necessary to keep an eye on the activity at the time of registration but it is crucial to do this 24/7 for the sake of security. Memory Scraping and Network Sniffling are two well-known methods for illegally accessing the database contents.
Memory Scrapping is done by using malware that collects the contents of the RAMs of the database servers. In Network Sniffling, the attackers try to catch the data packets traveling through the communication media.

Most secure VPNs (Virtual private networks) must be used to protect entrepreneurial data in an AI-powered database. Additionally, to protect our database from RAM scraping, we must continuously update our applications and operating systems.

DAM (Database Activity Monitoring) Tools are used to monitor the databases with sensitive data and credentials. Sqltreeo Monitoring, Manage Engine, SolarWinds, Datadog, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Instana, Oracle Database to name a few. It is crucial for protecting the entrepreneurial data so the attackers cannot even read the tables and audit log files.

4. Install The Purchased Version of a Well-Known Antivirus

Antiviruses are a must to protect such important data stored in a database. Viruses can infect the data corrupting it for good. Such data is useless as it cannot be used in processing. It is because processors are developed to process alphabetic and numeric data, not the Jobe files.

5. Backup

Suppose a bank loses all of its data. It would be a nightmare for them as most of the people have their life savings in their accounts. To protect such data there are created multiple backups. A backup is nothing but a copy of the entrepreneurial data in the database which is pasted on multiple storages.

It increases redundancy, but this is an inevitable step to take. The data is copied from time to time, usually on every transaction made by the authorized user. In case of data loss, the backup is used to recover the most recent data copied to an unknown storage at an unknown location.

6. Disaster Recovery

Some accidents are inevitable either in the form of fire or flood, earthquake, vandalism, etc. Such and other catastrophic events can cause the hardware containing the entrepreneurial data to become damaged and lose all of its contents for good.

7. Educating Employees to Follow The Security Policies

Sometimes, a human error puts the security of the AI-powered platforms’ entrepreneurial data at stake. It is very important to remind your employees of the security policies again and again. Not only must they understand these policies, but also strictly follow them.

8. Access Control

As is obvious from the name, in this technique for securing database contents, each user must be granted controlled access. The owner of the firm has the highest level of access while the directors and managers have other lower levels.

Similarly, the employees can either only read certain data or perform some data entry operations. Only a certain person must have the authority to delete or modify a certain part of the data in an account.

9. Separate Database Servers from Web or App Servers

In no circumstances the web or app servers should store the entrepreneurial data. It puts the data of AI-powered platforms at stake. The web servers must be limited to hosting the business websites whereas the app servers should only host the application software.

On the other hand, the database servers should only contain the vital data related to the registered firms or businesses.

10. Update Your OS and Database Software & Tools

A DBMS should always work with an operating system to ensure enhanced security. The updated operating system has more security as the developers add more functionalities to it updating or removing the weak ones.

Similarly, the DBMS software and other tools for monitoring and securing it must be updated. The reason behind this is that the attackers come to know the weaknesses of the current software. These shortcomings lead to data leaks, which is a nightmare for huge companies.

11. Maintain Physical Database Security

Now that we have learned a lot about protecting the entrepreneurial data of AI-powered platforms digitally, it is time to deploy some physical security. The first and foremost aspect to consider is the cameras, especially the ones with more rotation and night vision capabilities.

The second thing to consider is the locks and safes to secure your database servers. You should use forged steel walls if you have to secure the servers with highly sensitive information.

Thirdly, the security guards must be on watch 24/7 in different shifts. Only a couple of people should be able to physically access the servers after completing some documentation and other security protocols, such as biometric verification.

12. Implement Strong Privacy Regulations

Entrepreneurial databases contain highly sensitive data about the clients and their companies as they have private information. A small leakage in this data can bring disaster for the firm and the people responsible for securing that data.

Hence, each employee must know their limit to access the data. If one reaches the data, they should not. They must keep the information to themselves only rather than bragging about it to other colleagues or someone outside the system. This is why implementing access control is crucial.

13. Use Database Firewalls

The first layer of the database firewall must be implemented through the web app and web application. The expected traffic must access the servers using the verified apps launched by the company. Fishy traffic with a similar app must be halted for good.

The user trying to access data unnecessarily must be stopped and warned. In the case of forceful access, the responsible ones must report the actions to the authorities. Direct access must not be allowed to all employees, and the activity during each access must be recorded properly.


The databases of AI-powered platforms store very sensitive and large amounts of data which the businesses not only use to grow and sustain but also to draw heuristics and future trends. This data is processed to get the information that leads to the prosperity of a company, organization, or enterprise.

The first and foremost thing to implement is user authentication methods such as passwords, security questions, or PINs (Personal Identification Numbers). Secondly, Data Encryption is crucial either Column-Level, Symetiric, Asymmetric, or some other method unknown to the hackers.

It is very important to continuously monitor the database activities, especially using the DAM (Database Activity Monitoring) Tools. The use of a VPN is highly recommended to secure the system from network sniffling. Updating apps and operating systems protects from RAM scrapping.

A well-known antivirus that can sense and eliminate nearly all types of current malware must be installed even before entering the system properly. Backups of the entrepreneurial data must be made regularly to protect the data from catastrophes and other disasters such as fire, flood, vandalism, etc.

It is essential to educate employees to follow the security policies as only understanding the rules and regulations is not enough to ensure security. Each employee must have limited access to the database. All employees must not be able to directly access the database but through multiple firewalls.

Entrepreneurial database servers must be separate from the app and web servers. Additionally, only certain authentic apps or websites should be a passage to the server’s data. Keep your software and operating system updated, as the hackers know the weaknesses of the older versions.

Implementing 24/7 physical security in the form of locks and lockers, strong walls, advanced cameras, and active security guards is crucial. Employees must be restricted from accessing the private information of clients and their firms. Only the client and government have access to such credentials and data.

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