Startup Jobs

Fleet Genie

We are seeking a talented and motivated Machine Learning Engineer to join Fleet Genie - a dynamic startup revolutionizing the logistics field with AI-powered Fleet Management. Candidates will work closely with our team of data scientists, network engineers, and UX designers. The ideal candidate is proficient in AI, Machine Learning, and data analytics, as these are key technologies in our operation. Your primary role would be to harness advanced language models which parse both structured and unstructured data, contributing heavily to our revolutionary AI-driven chatbot interactions. Required Skills & Experience: - Strong knowledge of AI and Machine Learning. - Experience with language models and data analytics tools. - Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced startup environment. Responsibilities: - Developing and improving our AI & Machine Learning models. - Working closely with the team to automate trailer data analysis. - Help optimize load capacity, prioritize effective maintenance, and reduce unplanned downtime for our clients. With Fleet Genie, you'll

  • About this Job

    We are seeking a talented and motivated Machine Learning Engineer to join Fleet Genie - a dynamic startup revolutionizing the logistics field with AI-powered Fleet Management. Candidates will work closely with our team of data scientists, network engineers, and UX designers. The ideal candidate is proficient in AI, Machine Learning, and data analytics, as these are key technologies in our operation. Your primary role would be to harness advanced language models which parse both structured and unstructured data, contributing heavily to our revolutionary AI-driven chatbot interactions. Required Skills & Experience: - Strong knowledge of AI and Machine Learning. - Experience with language models and data analytics tools. - Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced startup environment. Responsibilities: - Developing and improving our AI & Machine Learning models. - Working closely with the team to automate trailer data analysis. - Help optimize load capacity, prioritize effective maintenance, and reduce unplanned downtime for our clients. With Fleet Genie, you'll

  • Idea

    Fleet Genie is transforming the logistics sector with AI-driven tools. We recognize fleet managers' struggles with data overload and underserved analysis tools, so we've created a solution that distills insights that aid in informed decision-making. Our technology minimizes reliance on manual labor, time, and specialized expertise by automating trailer data analysis using Machine Learning and AI.

  • Problems

    Unremedied trailer health issues lead to unplanned trailer downtime. Trailer issue maintenance prioritized by proximity to service centers vs severity. Load capacity not optimized to maximize revenue.

  • Solution

    We offer a pioneering AI-powered Fleet Management system that effectively prioritizes maintenance based on severity rather than proximity to service centers, ensures optimal trailer health conditions minimizing unplanned downtimes, and optimizes load capacity to amplify revenue. This solution is particularly targeted towards

Fleet Genie
Contact Person
John Mahogany
Startup Name
Fleet Genie
Dev Stage

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