Déchaînez le potentiel innovant inexploité de Vos employés

Libérez le potentiel d'innovation interne des entreprises en transformant les employés en entrepreneurs internes grâce à l'IA.

an entrepreneur sits and solves his problems, below right pitchbob pops up and asks how he can help him
soutenu par
Open AI + Microsoft for Startups + Google for Startups

Your employees and their ideas!

possess a vast untapped potential that can lead to new products, cost optimization, and revenue growth.

the employee sits sideways and thinks - his thoughts are confused

Malheureusement, de nombreuses entreprises passent à côté de cette occasion...

4 coins lying on top of each other

sur les avantages économiques qui découlent de leur les idées non réalisées des employés, s'élevant potentiellement à des centaines de millions de dollars en termes d'optimisation des coûts et de nouvelles sources de revenus.

the man is holding a lot of problems in his hand

Commun barrières

les obstacles à la mise en œuvre des idées des employés incluent :

🧠 🚧
Difficulté à formuler des idées ;
🚫 🤐
Absence de feedback constructif ;
the man is holding a lot of problems in his hand
🚫 👨
Résistance de la part des cadres hiérarchiques et de la haute direction ;
🚫 🛠️
Outils limités pour le développement itératif d'idées ;
🧩 🤼
Difficultés liées à la constitution d'équipes autour d'idées ;
Absence de canal et de format unifiés pour une évaluation rapide des idées ;
💰 🏢
Systèmes de gestion des connaissances et des idées d'entreprise coûteux et complexes.
⏳ 📝
Lents processus bureaucratiques d'évaluation et de soutien des idées ;
La tâche des fonctions RH, des unités commerciales, des bureaux de produits, des centres de transformation et du développement de l'innovation est de créer les conditions pour libérer ce potentiel.
hand signs meaning that you can flip the page vertically here
défilement horizontal
🧠 🚧
Difficulté à formuler des idées ;
🚫 🤐
Absence de feedback constructif ;
🚫 👨
Résistance de la part des cadres hiérarchiques et de la haute direction ;
🚫 🛠️
Outils limités pour le développement itératif d'idées ;
🧩 🤼
Difficultés liées à la constitution d'équipes autour d'idées ;
Absence de canal et de format unifiés pour une évaluation rapide des idées ;
💰 🏢
Systèmes de gestion des connaissances et des idées d'entreprise coûteux et complexes.
⏳ 📝
Lents processus bureaucratiques d'évaluation et de soutien des idées ;
La tâche des fonctions RH, des unités commerciales, des bureaux de produits, des centres de transformation et du développement de l'innovation est de créer les conditions pour libérer ce potentiel.

Présentation de PitchBob B2B :

Renforcer l'innovation interne

the smiling pitchbob winks at us
— Bonjour !
snapping fingers pointing in the direction
Outil facile à utiliser pour l'évaluation des idées par la direction
a team of people looking straight ahead
Formation d'équipe efficace autour des idées
a tree leaf above a man's hand
Un outil convivial pour la formulation d'idées
feedback in the form of a message
Mécanisme de feedback pratique
Notre produit est un chatbot qui s'intègre parfaitement à la plupart des plateformes de communication interne modernes telles que Slack ou Microsoft Teams ou peuvent exister indépendamment sur Telegram, Facebook Messenger et WhatsApp.

Here's how it works:

the laptop worker happily interacts with pitchbob

Employees interact with the chatbot at their convenience, answering its questions and formulating ideas in a way that any colleague or management representative can understand.

hand signs meaning that you can flip the page vertically here
horizontal scroll
pitchbob looks to the left with a smile

The chatbot asks clarifying questions, helps improve the formulation of each answer, provides the necessary training, and enhances presentation skills.

document generated by pitchbob

Ideas are structured into standardized documents, securely placed in a closed space inaccessible to external audiences.

the employee sits sideways and says

Colleagues can provide constructive feedback or join idea development in a relevant role for themselves and the initiator.

the management team makes the call

Cross-functional teams are formed to collaborate remotely on the idea and receive feedback from management.

the manager stands with a pointer at the board

Functional departments, linear managers, and top management can monitor idea development and provide timely feedback.


The chatbot gently reminds, motivates, and encourages employees through gamified mechanics during the creative process of generating and formulating ideas.

smiling Pitkbob pointing with his right hand

Here's how it works:

the laptop worker happily interacts with pitchbob
Employees interact with the chatbot at their convenience, answering its questions and formulating ideas in a way that any colleague or management representative can understand.
pitchbob looks to the left with a smile
– How it’s   going?
The chatbot asks clarifying questions, helps improve the formulation of each answer, provides the necessary training, and enhances presentation skills.
Ideas are structured into standardized documents, securely placed in a closed space inaccessible to external audiences.
document generated by pitchbob
Cross-functional teams are formed to collaborate remotely on the idea and receive feedback from management.
the management team makes the call
the employee sits sideways and says
Colleagues can provide constructive feedback or join idea development in a relevant role for themselves and the initiator.
the manager stands with a pointer at the board
Functional departments, linear managers, and top management can monitor idea development and provide timely feedback.
The chatbot gently reminds, motivates, and encourages employees through gamified mechanics during the creative process of generating and formulating ideas.
smiling Pitkbob pointing with his right hand

Unlock the Potential Value


the employee looks up in surprise over his shoulder

If at least 5% of employees generate...

3-5 ideas

3-5 ideas per year, with a 1% survival rate until the scaling stage...


$100 million annually

the economic effect can be substantial, amounting to $100 million annually.

the entrepreneur holds money in two hands

For a company with

10,000 employees,

the estimated value of implementing our solution could reach

$1.5 billion per year

Money icon 2

Ready to Pilot our Product?

Contact us today to pilot our product within your company perimeter and unleash the full potential of your employees.

Discuss the pilot
supported by
Open AI + Microsoft for Startups + Google for Startups
pitchbob turned sideways and spread his arms
– I’m ready!
Working with corporations since 2013

Numerous successful programs

for internal innovation development, internal startups, and product office and function transformations


entrepreneurs in the open market have trusted their ideas to our product.

Discuss the pilot
the smiling pitchbob winks at us
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PitchBob.io - AI pitch deck generator & startup co-pilot | Product Hunt