Tips to create presentation slides that make your message stick!

Tips to create presentation slides that make your message stick!

Master the art of creating impactful presentation slides that make your message stick, not suck! Elevate your presentation game with these expert tips.

Brief outline of this article

There are 300 million presentation slide users in the world and its estimated that there are a million presentations happening right now. But most of them are dull or even bad. It’s bizarre and it can really hurt your career. But there is hope, there is a better way.

Here are a couple of tips to help you stand out from the crowd. Once you have got to the the core of your talk i. e. whats the main message (what do I want them to take way) then, and only then — turn to your slide software.

Then the key is to... Think billboard NOT document.

This is probably the most important thing I can pass on. People simply try to do too many things with their slides.

Fundamentally, slides are for the audience, not for us the speaker.

Although I admit it’s tempting, they should not be our crutch. Once we understand that they are for our audience, we design them in a bigger and bolder way.

Feel free to make a word document to hand out after your talk if you like (although no-one ever reads those documents in my experience), but don’t make your slides in that way. Build them for the bored bloke in row 33.

Nancy Duarte helpfully compared slides to billboards in her book Slide: ology.

Imagine you are passing your slides at 50mph on a major road. Could you read them as you drive past? If you can’t they are too complicated and wordy. It’s a simple but effective test for us. Design your slides and if appropriate write some handout notes. But, just to be absolutely clear they are two very separate things. If you’re going to produce a presentation slide deck, then do just that — don’t be tempted to make it into a hand-out with a slightly larger font.

Bullets kill. Bullets don’t just kill people, they kill presentations too. Sometimes when I see speakers present a slide with bullet points you can almost feel the people in the room deflate, they may not groan out loud, but they are inside. I’ve heard it said to limit the words on a slide to 33.
I’d say 3-12!

Any more than that then either rephrase, condense or add another slide. Be tough on bullet boredom and the causes of bullet boredom.
Follow these quick tips this week and watch your presentations get better and better. Tell great stories, be yourself and let your slides be your backdrop not your auto-cue.



This article is an exert from book "Get Good® at Slides: How to create presentation slides that make your message stick."
Lee Jackson is an award-winning motivational speaker, slide surgeon, presentation coach and the author of 13 books.
He’s been speaking up front for more than twenty five years in many challenging situations. As well as speaking himself, he loves helping other people to speak well too.
He is a fellow of and past President of the Professional Speaking Association (PSA).
He supports the New York Knicks, is a former youth worker and was once an award winning DJ.
You can get in touch with him here: twitter @leejackson.

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