Startup Jobs


We at SwissFlowIt, creators of Documate, are looking for a highly driven individual to join our team and aid us in revolutionizing ServiceNow Workflow Documentation. The potential candidate will be stepping into a rapidly evolving startup environment with the responsibility to fortify our software's capabilities and help shape its future. Our new team member will have the opportunity to navigate the unique challenges presented by our market, valued at $15M, where we aim to capture a 5% market share. As our product is currently in the MVP stage, you will play a crucial role in its development and progress, ensuring it remains competitive within the ServiceNow ecosystem. Your key responsibilities will include enhancing Documate, which aims at simplifying and centralizing workflow documentation, and addressing the crucial issues relating to scattered data, information loss, and productivity stagnation faced by modern IT departments and service desk teams. As part of our team, not only will you be expected to contribute to the technical facets of our solution

  • About this Job

    We at SwissFlowIt, creators of Documate, are looking for a highly driven individual to join our team and aid us in revolutionizing ServiceNow Workflow Documentation. The potential candidate will be stepping into a rapidly evolving startup environment with the responsibility to fortify our software's capabilities and help shape its future. Our new team member will have the opportunity to navigate the unique challenges presented by our market, valued at $15M, where we aim to capture a 5% market share. As our product is currently in the MVP stage, you will play a crucial role in its development and progress, ensuring it remains competitive within the ServiceNow ecosystem. Your key responsibilities will include enhancing Documate, which aims at simplifying and centralizing workflow documentation, and addressing the crucial issues relating to scattered data, information loss, and productivity stagnation faced by modern IT departments and service desk teams. As part of our team, not only will you be expected to contribute to the technical facets of our solution

  • Idea

    At SwissFlowIt, our innovation lies in Documate, a solution tailored to address the hurdles of document management within ServiceNow. Recognising the pitfalls of prevailing tools that promote scattered information and inefficiency, we developed a unified platform for streamlined documentation of processes and knowledge right within the daily used platform. Our vision is to facilitate knowledge sharing, cut down onboarding times, and enhance productivity, all within a single platform—ServiceNow.

  • Problems

    Documate simplifies and centralizes documentation directly within ServiceNow, eliminating the need for multiple external tools. It streamlines knowledge sharing, reduces onboarding time, minimizes information loss, and makes it easier to track changes. Teams can now efficiently manage documentation, ensuring vital information is always accessible and up-to-date, enhancing overall productivity.

  • Solution

    Our solution, Documate, is an integrated tool within ServiceNow that provides efficient knowledge management and streamlined documentation.

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