Startup Jobs

Biomass Inc.

The vacant position we are seeking to fill is titled "Technical Product Manager". This role would entail aligning our cultivation processes and product creation with ever-changing market and industry needs. In addition, you would provide necessary direction and support for technological development and help manage team dynamics as we continue growing our startup. Key qualifications include a background in agritech related fields, experience in project management, and a passion for sustainable industries. Applicants should be dedicated problem-solvers with excellent leadership and communication skills. We invite you to join our ambitious team at Biomass Inc., aiming to revolutionize biomass production and cultivate a green economy.

  • About this Job

    The vacant position we are seeking to fill is titled "Technical Product Manager". This role would entail aligning our cultivation processes and product creation with ever-changing market and industry needs. In addition, you would provide necessary direction and support for technological development and help manage team dynamics as we continue growing our startup. Key qualifications include a background in agritech related fields, experience in project management, and a passion for sustainable industries. Applicants should be dedicated problem-solvers with excellent leadership and communication skills. We invite you to join our ambitious team at Biomass Inc., aiming to revolutionize biomass production and cultivate a green economy.

  • Idea

    Harnessing the potential of Miscanthus Giganteus, we're establishing a bioeconomy that fosters energy independence and sustainable industries. With our approach, we rehabilitate degraded lands and produce a cost-effective, low-maintenance bioenergy feedstock that sequesters carbon and yields impressive biomass.

  • Problems

    Our solution addresses three crucial issues: it supports the drive for more renewable energy, meets an increasing demand for biomaterials substituting plastics and others, and aids in the phyto-remediation of damaged soils.

  • Solution

    Our solution utilizes Miscanthus Giganteus to green various industries, providing reliable yields from a steadily expanding cultivation area.

Biomass Inc.
Contact Person
Florian Andrews
Startup Name
Biomass Inc.
Dev Stage

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