Startup Co-Founder


As the founder of ParentConnect, I am searching for a co-founder who passionately resonates with our mission and complements my skills. Ideally, I'd like someone intrinsically motivated about our cause, coupled with proficiency in product development and technical know-how. Our super-app aims to streamline co-parenting, especially during emotionally conflated custody battles, so familiarity with navigating similar challenges would be a plus. Statistics show that 40% of marriages with children that end in divorce, often involve difficult custody battles. ParentConnect can be a game-changer for these parents, providing relief from pain induced by lies, gaslighting, and manipulation experienced while dealing with a difficult ex. Our unique features include secure, tamper-proof communication recording suitable for court use, essential information storage and subscription-based legal advice and mental health assessments. Therefore, the prospective co-founder should ideally have experience in industries related to law, mental health or software as a service to help leverage these features. With robust plans for growth

  • About this Job

    As the founder of ParentConnect, I am searching for a co-founder who passionately resonates with our mission and complements my skills. Ideally, I'd like someone intrinsically motivated about our cause, coupled with proficiency in product development and technical know-how. Our super-app aims to streamline co-parenting, especially during emotionally conflated custody battles, so familiarity with navigating similar challenges would be a plus. Statistics show that 40% of marriages with children that end in divorce, often involve difficult custody battles. ParentConnect can be a game-changer for these parents, providing relief from pain induced by lies, gaslighting, and manipulation experienced while dealing with a difficult ex. Our unique features include secure, tamper-proof communication recording suitable for court use, essential information storage and subscription-based legal advice and mental health assessments. Therefore, the prospective co-founder should ideally have experience in industries related to law, mental health or software as a service to help leverage these features. With robust plans for growth

  • Idea

    ParentConnect is designed as a salve to the stress of custody battles, providing a comprehensive toolset that I deeply wished existed during my own emotionally charged experience. This super app aims to streamline co-parenting, helping parents navigate their shared responsibilities effortlessly, fostering effective communication and bringing peace to both parties involved. Its unique features are designed from firsthand knowledge, addressing real challenges that parents face in such situations.

  • Problems

    the pain from lies, gaslighting and manipultation

  • Solution

    My startup is a comprehensive co-parenting application specifically designed to support parents through custody battles with difficult ex-partners. Our primary aim is to alleviate the hurt caused by deception, gaslighting, and manipulation. By providing a platform for transparent communication and

Contact Person
Karah Grudzien
Startup Name
Dev Stage

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