Startup Co-Founder

Loop Hospitality

I'm seeking an ambitious, driven, and dedicated co-founder with the foresight and skills to help launch Loop Hospitality, a superior quality budget hospitality startup. The prime responsibility of the co-founder will involve strategic planning, decision making, and growth-focused operations to ensure our startup becomes a leading budget hospitality choice for our target group, primarily young travelers aged between 18 and 34. Loop Hospitality is determined to revolutionize the hospitality segment in Helsinki and across the globe by providing superior quality, affordable accommodation, enhancing our guests’ travel experiences through immersive social environments. The co-founder will bring their expertise in the hospitality industry or startup scene to help Loop Hospitality outperform the competition, such as The Yard, Hostel Diana Park, Cheapsleep, and Eurohostel in Helsinki. With our unique focus on designing an immaculate, tasteful, and vibrant social setting, we seek to address the current shortage of high-quality, budget-friendly accommodation options in Helsinki and beyond.

  • About this Job

    I'm seeking an ambitious, driven, and dedicated co-founder with the foresight and skills to help launch Loop Hospitality, a superior quality budget hospitality startup. The prime responsibility of the co-founder will involve strategic planning, decision making, and growth-focused operations to ensure our startup becomes a leading budget hospitality choice for our target group, primarily young travelers aged between 18 and 34. Loop Hospitality is determined to revolutionize the hospitality segment in Helsinki and across the globe by providing superior quality, affordable accommodation, enhancing our guests’ travel experiences through immersive social environments. The co-founder will bring their expertise in the hospitality industry or startup scene to help Loop Hospitality outperform the competition, such as The Yard, Hostel Diana Park, Cheapsleep, and Eurohostel in Helsinki. With our unique focus on designing an immaculate, tasteful, and vibrant social setting, we seek to address the current shortage of high-quality, budget-friendly accommodation options in Helsinki and beyond.

  • Idea

    I aim to establish a contemporary, immaculate, and tastefully designed hostel in Helsinki, christened "Loop Helsinki". This hostel will provide guests with top-notch shared spaces and cozy dormitory beds at affordable rates. My ambition is to proliferate and transform the Loop brand into a renowned, quality-driven chain that embodies superior hospitality.

  • Problems

    The problem is that there currently is a poor supply of low-budget lodging alternatives for travellers in Helsinki. My hostel would be better than the competition and would attract travellers looking for a good place to stay in Helsinki

  • Solution

    The solution is to establish a high-quality, affordable hostel in Helsinki. We aim to create a unique social experience for budget-conscious travelers particularly targeting the youth demographic between ages of 18-34. The focus will not just be on offering economical accommodations but

Loop Hospitality
Contact Person
Axel Vanhala
Startup Name
Loop Hospitality
Dev Stage

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