Como a IA generativa está acelerando o gerenciamento da inovação

Como a IA generativa está acelerando o gerenciamento da inovação

Learn how Generative AI boosts business innovation, merging AI with human creativity for success

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Thomas Walbert

Executive Summary

Generative AI (genAI) is causing a revolution in innovation management. It has an impact on creativity, idea generation, and the shift from concept to execution. AI acts as a strong partner in the innovation process. It adds to human creativity by coming up with ideas spotting market trends, and testing theories quicker than old methods. While AI beats humans at crunching data and seeing patterns, we still need human gut feelings, know-how, and people skills to polish and put innovations into practice.

Innovation and starting new businesses are tricky and time-sensitive. The one who can develop and test many new ideas — and learn fast — will win the race for the future!

This article explains how AI assists in the innovation process through three stages:

  1. Idea creation,
  2. turning ideas into workable business models and
  3. checking assumptions

The article stresses key factors for success when using AI.

We also look at how startups and big companies work together showing how their combined strengths can speed up innovation even more. By using AI and encouraging teamwork between people and AI tools, companies can boost their innovative spirit and stay ahead of the competition.


How AI Outperforms Human Creativity: AI Co-Pilots’ Part in Innovation

Generative AI shines in fields where human creativity gets a boost from machine learning and big data analysis. AI sidekicks, like AI-powered brainstorming tools, can dig through huge datasets, spot patterns, and come up with fresh ideas based on statistical chances. This process is a lot like "connecting the dots."

This means AI can do better than humans at repetitive jobs such as gathering data early idea creation, and looking at market trends. AI can spot good chances and gaps in the market ("white spaces") by putting together data in real time giving companies useful insights to drive new ideas.

Key Success Factors:

  • Bring AI into the brainstorming phase to use data-driven idea creation.
  • Keep feeding data to AI so it can give fresh insights.
  • Let AI look at out-of-the-box ideas that people might miss.

Why People Still Matter in Innovation: The Boundaries of AI’s Abilities

Even though AI can do amazing things, humans still play a vital role in some areas. AI can’t match human emotional smarts moral thinking, and gut feelings about specific fields. People’s know-how has a big impact on making AI ideas better making sure they fit with what a company wants and believes in, and its big-picture plans. AI can come up with lots of ideas based on data, but in the end, it’s up to humans to use their smarts and leadership to pick which ideas to run with and how to make them happen.

What Makes It Work:

  • Find the sweet spot between AI creativity and human smarts.
  • Get different kinds of people involved to make sure new ideas fit with culture, ethics, and strategy.
  • Teach teams to take a hard look at what AI comes up with, to make sure it matches what the company wants and believes in.

How People and AI Work Best Together for Great Results in Innovation

When people and AI team up, that’s where we see real innovation happen. AI can boost productivity, but human creativity is still crucial for making sense of results and choosing the right path forward. We get the best new ideas when we use AI as a helper to add to what humans can do, not to take their place. When human teams work side by side with AI assistants, they come up with ideas faster and are more likely to succeed by combining what each does best.

What Makes It Work:

  • Help teams become familiar with AI to work together better.
  • Set up ways to work that blend AI tools with how people make choices.
  • Keep lines of communication open and get AI experts to team up with other groups that come up with new ideas or "intrapreneurs".

Workshop scenario:

  • Set up "future teams" in the company with clear decision-making power, market knowledge, and skills in innovation — including working with AI.
  • Create a structure (organizational setup, resources, outside coaching & support open-innovation formats, etc.) to make sure efforts are quick and long-lasting.
  • Decide on strategic paths, guidelines ("pre-decisions"), what’s expected (time, money, outcomes) and topics that are "off-limits."

The Innovation Process

Idea Creation: How Can AI Help Come Up with Ideas?
AI has the ability to come up with lots of ideas by looking at market info, what customers say, and what’s new in the industry. Tools that use AI for coming up with ideas rely on smart computer programs to create fresh solutions. These solutions are based on what’s worked before and new chances that are showing up. This speeds up the process of thinking up ideas and makes sure companies can look at more possibilities.

Workshop scenario:

  • Figure out your company’s starting point: Past market wins (strength), understanding what customers value and purchase ("what market is your business in?") or do an 80/20 review ("which items are the top performers in our product range?")
  • Use AI tools a lot to look into new areas and come up with possible future scenarios ("picture and build the future!")
  • Pick the most powerful applications keeping in mind your strengths but also your business limits (e. g. areas we don’t want to enter, for any reason — like mission, values, etc.)

Turning Ideas into Real Business Models: What Do You Need to Make a Great Idea Succeed in the Market?

After AI comes up with ideas, people need to check if they’re doable, can grow, and fit with what the company wants. AI can help by running business scenarios predicting money outcomes, and looking at how the market might react. But it’s up to the human teams to handle tricky stuff like sharing resources, dealing with stakeholders, and following rules to get an AI idea out there.

What Makes It Work:

  • Use AI to run business scenarios and spot risks.
  • Use human know-how to make sure ideas match company goals.
  • Get teams from different areas to improve and test business plans.
  • Check AI models against real data and market tests.

Workshop scenario:

  • Come up with solid business ideas and present them to a large group within the company.
  • Use "internal markets" to pick ideas: Give people "investment-money" and let them choose where to put it — use anonymous methods to avoid "top-down bias".
  • Score chosen ideas based on things like "how easy it is to put into action how much money it needs, or how it affects customers" — low, medium or high.

Testing Core Beliefs: How to Check Theories and Confirm Initial Thoughts?

AI speeds up testing assumptions through simulations, data analysis, and quick prototyping — for digital services or apps. AI models can check multiple ideas at once showing which ones are more likely to work. But people need to oversee and confirm the results when it comes to understanding things like customer experience, brand image, and market trends.

Key Success Factors:

  • Use AI to run data-based tests and simulations on ideas.
  • Check AI results against real customer feedback and in-depth research.
  • Look over and improve AI-driven results with human knowledge.

Workshop scenario:

  • Create internal "start-up teams"
  • Invest in them through multiple rounds — follow the start-up model: Angel investment, growth phase, exit (not always involving asset transfer).
  • Allow these teams full independence. Suggest internal/external guidance (optional!). Let them loose give them free rein!
  • For team members: Design fair incentives — think about risks and benefits!
  • Start-ups and Their Impact on Innovation

How Start-ups Often Innovate More Than Big Companies

Small companies move faster and take more chances with new tech like AI. They have less rigid structures, so they can pick up AI tools and methods quicker.

This readiness to gamble, plus their smaller size, lets these firms switch gears fast and jump on game-changing ideas.

Principais fatores de sucesso:

  • Crie uma mentalidade que acolha testes e mudanças rápidas em grandes empresas.
  • Promova o trabalho em equipe entre novas empresas e antigos players para aproveitar os avanços da IA.
  • Apoie parcerias com startups para experimentar conceitos baseados em IA antes de desenvolvê-los.
  • Junte-se a startups de ponta.
  • Veja as startups como lugares para testar novas ideias baseadas em IA.

O melhor dos dois mundos: como startups e corporações podem unir forças para acelerar a inovação

Cada uma das startups e das grandes empresas tem seus próprios pontos fortes. As startups são rápidas e estão dispostas a correr riscos. As grandes empresas têm dinheiro, know-how e conexões com mercados maiores. Quando se unem, as startups podem usar ferramentas de IA e novas maneiras de fazer as coisas junto com grandes empresas para desenvolver suas ideias. Ao mesmo tempo, grandes empresas recebem novas ideias e tecnologia de ponta de startups.
Para vincular diferentes pontos fortes e formas de pensar, configure sistemas separados para testar e ampliar os avanços impulsionados pela IA.

Para finalizar: Acelerando a inovação com a IA

A IA generativa tem um grande impacto na forma como gerenciamos a inovação. Isso nos ajuda a criar, verificar e usar novas ideias com muito mais rapidez do que antes. A IA pode superar os humanos por serem criativos quando se trata de usar dados, mas ainda precisamos que as pessoas entendam essas ideias e as coloquem em prática. Quando as ferramentas de IA se unem a grupos humanos, startups e grandes empresas, os líderes podem acelerar a forma como inovam. Isso os ajuda a se manterem em um mercado que está sempre mudando.
Para ter sucesso, as empresas precisam usar a IA concentrando-se nas áreas em que ela faz a maior diferença (em outras palavras, descobrir e experimentar maneiras diferentes de usá-la). Isso significa mais do que apenas gastar dinheiro em tecnologia de IA: trata-se de criar um local de trabalho em que as ferramentas de IA e todas as pessoas envolvidas trabalhem bem juntas.

Seguindo as principais etapas para o sucesso apresentadas neste relatório, os líderes da empresa podem incluir a IA em seus planos para novas ideias que levem a vitórias rápidas e sucesso no futuro.

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