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Bored Candy City: Games to have fun and earn money

Bored Candy City: Games to have fun and earn money

Bored Candy City LTD aims to decentralize DeFi and blockchain gaming with CANDY token and NFTs.

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Meet Bored Candy City LTD, an innovative startup that aims to revitalize decentralization in DeFi ecosystems. Constructed around the CANDY token and their unique Bored Candy NFT collection, the company has set its sights on redefining norms within the crypto industry.

Its objective is simple yet revolutionary — restore trust by redistributing all DEX & NFT marketplace fees back to holders. They believe liquidity providers rather than project owners should enjoy all rewards. A paradigm shift from typical DeFi protocols where founder interests often take center stage, fostering skepticism among users.

However, it doesn’t stop there. Part of what makes them stand out is their approach to the gaming industry. The team at Bored Candy City further diversifies its offering by creating play-to-earn (P2E) games for Web3 and mobile platforms. By leveraging their tokens and NFTs to maximize utility for users, they aim to bring countless gamers worldwide into the lucrative cryptocurrency space — introducing profitable gaming while demystifying blockchain use.

The band behind this vision consists of five core members from Switzerland with expertise in development, design/copywriting, and marketing. Work dynamics extend globally through 12 total contributors steered under seasoned leadership, focusing on strategic growth and a fascinating product development journey.

Bored Candy City prides itself in introducing simplified finance tech like UniswapV2 for DEX or Diamond Structure for NFT Marketplace. They shrug off traditional complexities and simplify farming with one-click options and a seamless transition between fiat/cryptocurrencies using Altura for game transactions, significantly simplifying the user’s experience.

They are considerably young in age but far-sighted in approach. They are prepared to tackle potential competitors, including any new entrants considering pivoting into similar innovation or even large tech giants eyeing opportunities within this burgeoning market prospectively launching parallel products/services.

What sets Bored Candy City apart? Besides minimal fee structures efficiently reimbursed to users, their ambitious venture into mobile play-earn space leveraging crypto and NFT dynamics fortifies customer experiences, unlike well-established competitors who mainly profit at the user’s expense.

The Bored Candy City seems to set a distinctive position through its dedication towards true decentralization, community reward focus, and the intention of democratizing Blockchain gaming, ultimately creating an ecosystem where control is returned to the rightful owners — its loyal users!

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