20 Essential Lines to Include at the Beginning of Your Pitch Deck

20 Essential Lines to Include at the Beginning of Your Pitch Deck

Enhance your pitch deck’s impact with 20 essential lines at the beginning collected by PitchBob. Grab investors’ attention from the start!

Brief outline of this article

Crafting a compelling pitch deck is crucial for any entrepreneur or startup seeking to secure funding or gain the attention of potential investors. The opening lines of your pitch deck set the tone and capture the interest of your audience from the very beginning. In this article, we will explore 20 lines that you must include at the start of your pitch deck to create a strong first impression and leave a lasting impact.

Powerful Tagline:

Open your pitch deck with a captivating tagline that succinctly communicates the essence of your business and captures the attention of your audience.

Problem Statement:

Clearly define the problem that your product or service addresses. Highlight the pain points experienced by your target market to emphasize the need for a solution.

Market Size:

Demonstrate the potential of your target market by providing credible statistics and research data that support its size and growth prospects.

Solution Overview:

Present a concise overview of your product or service and how it effectively solves the identified problem. Highlight the unique features and benefits that set it apart from existing solutions.

Value Proposition:

Clearly articulate the value that your solution brings to customers. Explain how it improves their lives, saves time, reduces costs, or enhances productivity.

Target Audience:

Define your target audience and describe their characteristics, needs, and preferences. This demonstrates your understanding of your customers and their potential demand for your offering.

Competitive Analysis:

Provide a brief analysis of your key competitors and explain how your solution differentiates itself from them. Highlight your unique selling points and any barriers to entry for potential competitors.

Business Model:

Explain your revenue generation strategy and outline your business model. Discuss your pricing, distribution channels, and any potential partnerships that contribute to your competitive advantage.


Highlight any milestones or achievements your business has reached to date. This could include user acquisition, partnerships, revenue growth, or successful pilot programs. Traction demonstrates the progress and potential of your venture.

Market Validation:

Include any customer testimonials, case studies, or industry endorsements that validate the need for your solution and showcase its potential for success.

Marketing and Sales Strategy:

Describe your marketing and sales approach, including your target marketing channels, customer acquisition strategy, and sales projections. Highlight any innovative or unique strategies you plan to implement.

Team Introduction:

Introduce your core team members and highlight their relevant expertise, experience, and achievements. This builds credibility and demonstrates that you have a strong and capable team driving your business forward.

Business Roadmap:

Present a clear roadmap outlining your short-term and long-term goals and milestones. This shows your vision and strategic planning capabilities.

Financial Projections:

Include a summary of your financial projections, such as revenue forecasts, growth projections, and expected return on investment. Back up your projections with sound assumptions and data.

Funding Requirements:

Clearly state the amount of funding you are seeking and how it will be allocated. Explain how the investment will accelerate your growth and help achieve your business objectives.

Use of Funds:

Articulate how the funds raised will be utilized to drive your business forward. Provide a breakdown of the key areas where the investment will be allocated, such as product development, marketing, or talent acquisition.

Exit Strategy:

Discuss your potential exit strategy, whether it is an IPO, acquisition, or other avenues for providing an attractive return on investment to your investors.

Risk and Mitigation:

Acknowledge and address the potential risks associated with your business. Present a plan to mitigate these risks and assure investors that you have considered all possible challenges.

Social Impact and Sustainability:

Highlight any social or environmental impact your business creates. Emphasize how your venture aligns with sustainability goals and ethical practices, as these factors are increasingly important to investors and consumers alike.

Call to Action:

Conclude your pitch deck with a compelling call to action, encouraging investors to take the next step in the investment process. This could include requesting a meeting, providing contact information, or inviting them to ask questions. Remember to make your pitch deck concise and visually appealing. Use impactful visuals to complement the text and emphasize key points. Make sure that the content flows seamlessly and is easy to understand. Practice the pitch to ensure a smooth delivery that effectively communicates your message and captures the interest of your audience.

How To Plan Visuals Of Your Pitch Deck?

When it comes to incorporating visuals into your pitch deck, consider the following guidelines for pitch deck design:

Use high-quality images: Choose images that are visually appealing, relevant to your content, and of high resolution. Low-quality images can diminish the overall impact of your pitch deck.

Videos: If applicable, include short videos to demonstrate your product or service in action. This can provide a more immersive experience and better showcase its value.

Graphs and charts: Use graphs and charts to present data, financial projections, or market trends. Clear visuals can make complex information more digestible and compelling.

Infographics: Create infographics to visually represent concepts, processes, or market data. Infographics are an effective way to convey information in a concise and engaging manner.

Text: Keep your text concise and impactful. Use bullet points, short sentences, and headings to make the content scannable and easy to grasp.

Slide transitions: Utilize slide transitions and animations sparingly to add visual interest and guide the flow of your presentation. However, avoid excessive animations that may distract from the main message.

Consistent branding: Maintain consistent branding throughout your pitch deck. Use your company’s colors, fonts, and logo to create a cohesive visual identity.

White space: Ensure proper spacing between elements to create a clean and professional look. White space allows the audience’s attention to focus on the most important aspects of your pitch deck.

Remember, the visual elements in your pitch deck format should enhance and support your message, rather than distract from it. Use visuals strategically to emphasize key points, illustrate data, or provide a visual representation of your product or service.

By following these guidelines and carefully structuring your pitch deck with well-placed visuals, you can create a visually compelling and persuasive presentation that captivates your audience and increases your chances of success.


The opening lines of your pitch deck are crucial in capturing the attention and interest of potential investors. By incorporating these 20 essential lines, you can create a strong foundation for your pitch deck and effectively communicate the value and potential of your business. Remember to be concise, compelling, and authentic in your delivery, highlighting the unique aspects of your venture that set it apart from the competition. With a well-crafted pitch deck presentation, you will be well-positioned to attract the attention and support necessary to propel your business to success.

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