Date of Foundation


Private international family hub

The Idea origin story

Playground is a place of fun and unexpected connections, for kids and their parents. The private international family hub provides an unques space for families to spend time together. It offers a wide range of activities for kids, co-working space as well as a gym and a café.

The Mission

Cultivating fun, work-life balance and shared experiences in a unique community hub. Bringing innovative educational approach to Prague.


Families with higher income, expats

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Need for a space where families can learn, develop and spend time effectively. Need for quality, innovative kids activities, childcare & working at the same time.

Confirmation of problem

Lack of quality, family-oriented spaces where parents can work, work out or relax while their children engage in enriching activities. Need for bilingual spaces.


Develop an innovative, membership-based family hub with state-of-the-art facilities, recreational activities for children and workspace for parents. An integrated mobile app

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

AR/VR for immersive learning, IoT for safety and management, AI-powered apps for personalized experiences.

How it works

1. Find a Unique Value Proposition: Your startup must offer a product or service that is unique, innovative and can solve a significant problem or fill a large market gap. 2. Establish Market Fit: Validate your ideas and demonstrate traction by showing customer interest, engagement, and ideally revenue generation before seeking venture capital funding. 3. Assemble the right team: A passionate team who are skilled in different areas but shares the same vision is crucial for the success of your startup. 4. Be scalable : Aim

Value for the client

"Revolutionizing family time with diverse activities, co-working space and innovative childcare. Blossoming fun, learning & productivity under one hub."

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Alzbeta Chmelarova

My key role in the product

Your key role is Founder, responsible for shaping business strategy, molding operating model, building networks and securing funds.

Team size and key members

Slavomíra: operations, management



Use Bob's answer

Our Advantages

Wholesome offer, caters to the whole family, health and wellbeing, from activities to counseling and coworking. Healthy food, seminars, community.

Business model

Our revenue comes from membership fees, on-site services, event hosting, facility rentals, cafe sales, travel accommodations and franchise opportunities.


Transitioning from a mere concept to an investor-ready pitch deck, while consistently expanding your sphere of influential contacts and funders for sustainable progress.

Progressing steadily, our company is thriving with consistent profitability. Harnessing strategic innovation and efficient operations, we are creating value across all business aspects relentlessly.


Metrics include membership count, social media follower base, event frequencies and attendee data. We also track the volume of incoming queries for comprehensive product insight.


Our company incorporated in

Czech Republic

Key risks

Main risks could include a lack of market interest, inability to secure enough memberships, high operational costs for maintaining the facility and providing activities. Regulatory challenges or cultural differences with expats might pose hurdles too.




We raised investments

Our Investors

Investors in hospitality and leisure, property investors/property developers. Angel investors.

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information

We cater to families through high-quality facilities in a bilingual setting with global ties. Our innovation lies in delivering unprecedented educational concepts to untapped markets, promising profitability and enhanced property value over time.
