The Opportunity Fund
Date of Foundation

The Opportunity Fund

Educational Empowerment for Migrants/Refugees

The Idea origin story

The Opportunity Fund seeks to bridge the gap between immigrants' skill sets and Germany's workforce demands. Despite their abilities, immigrants often face obstacles in accessing public funds for professional growth causing delays in employment. Our initiative aims at preventing these capacity losses that can cause a decrease in motivation and confidence among these individuals.

The Mission

Our mission is to give an opportunity to those who are willing to work for it but are neglected by the system. Our vision is a Germany where all refugees can thrive and help future-proof our country


Our customers are refugees & migrants eager to integrate into the labour market but lacking financial access for up-skilling programs.

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup can solve the issue of unemployment among immigrants, bridge the gap in the skilled labor market, and tackle access to finances for professional development programs.

Confirmation of problem

many refugees are skilled yet unemployed due to funding barriers in accessing education. Only 6% of refugees requesting public education funds are granted these - For 94% the system doesn’t work


Through income share agreements, students can take quality courses, receive job support and only repay when they earn a livable wage. Reinvested funds aid future students.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

AI for personalized learning programs, blockchain for credit tracking, digital platforms for remote education and job matching.

How it works

We fund refugee education in certified bootcamps, with repayment from income once employed. Profit is reinvested to maximize impact.

Value for the client

With acquired skills, they secure jobs and gain residency in Germany after long wait periods. They integrate into society, contributing back to the community.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Lukas Posegga

My key role in the product

Entrepreneurial founder leading strategy, product development, finance, operations, fundraising, sales & marketing.

Team size and key members

Acquire a tech expert for product development, a marketing guru for brand awareness and customer acquisition. Consider hiring legal advisor to ensure regulatory compliance.



Other Income share agreement (ISA) providers like Chancen eG

Our Advantages

We deliver unparalleled value through our socially-conscious product, by merging increased accessibility with significantly competitive pricing.

Business model

We make money through the repayments of our customers. once they earn a living wage, they pay 8,5% of their monthly salary over 48 months or until they’ve paid back the investment amount + 30%.


Secured crucial partnerships for operational efficiency and target audience reach. Developed a high-growth financial model to amplify the impact of our opportunity fund.

Our financial model ensures enduring funds, promoting sustainability. We seek fresh investments triennially to boost our fund's growth and societal impact.


Metrics include total students funded, course finalization percentages, post-graduation job placement rates. Also consider initial salary figures and loan repayment statistics along with student default numbers & increase seen over time in these metrics.

With a €1M investment, we can amplify it to €5M via partnership with AMIF. This provides the financial backing for educating 1000 refugees across four years while ensuring an IRR of 22%. By collaborating with EIF, we protect ourselves against default risks by 80% on one-fourth of our portfolio.


Our company incorporated in

Berlin, Germany

Key risks

Some main risks include potential defaults on income share agreement repayments, challenges in achieving sustainable employment placements for graduates, changes in immigration policies or public funding that could impact your business model, and difficulty in gaining trust from the target audience.




We raised investments

Our Investors

ProjectTogether initiates, 0%. Founders Luke Posegga and Rhett Büttrich own 30% each. Deutsche Bildung & Quotanda hold 20% & 10%. SYA owns 10%.

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information

As Germany's pioneer social ISA provider, we harness the Grameen Bank's award-winning Microfinance model. We champion sustainable impact through endlessly reinvesting our social business funds.
