Terra Europa
Date of Foundation

Terra Europa

Innovative Land Investment Strategies

The Idea origin story

Terra Europa aims to strategically invest in parcels of land, ranging between 2-5 hectares across Europe, primarily focusing on Spain initially. These lands will be ideally situated for future energy storage projects over the next decade. We plan to market and rent these properties to energy storage developers under secure long-term leases that exceed 40 years, thereby ensuring a steady income stream.

The Mission

To accelerate Europe’s transition to renewable energy by simplifying the process of leasing land for developers.


Our customers will be energy storage developers

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup will solve major challenges in renewable energy adoption, including the cumbersome process of land acquisition for long-term projects and securing viable sites well-suited for energy storage facilities.

Confirmation of problem

energy storage developers often face lengthy and costly processes when leasing land for projects.


To become a unicorn startup in strategic land investment, focus on these areas: 1. Innovative Business Model: Simplifying the process of leasing land

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Geospatial analytics, Machine Learning algorithms for land evaluation, Blockchain for secure leasing contracts.

How it works

Negotiating template documents with developers streamlines the process, focusing on unique site-specific points and minimizing negotiations.

Value for the client

Simplifying and speeding up the land leasing process for energy storage developers, saving them time and money.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Max Gray

My key role in the product

Your key role is a Strategic Site Developer, responsible for finding suitable sites, finalizing purchase agreements and building strategic partnerships.

Team size and key members

I am currently the only member on the team, I would rely on consultants, land agents and lawyers for various tasks



Possible competitors could include traditional property investment firms, land management companies or even renewable energy projects like wind farms and solar panels who need the same type of land.

Our Advantages

Leveraging our focus on land acquisition, we offer a personal and speedy negotiation process with landowners. Our agile governance enables swift agreement closures, while our speculative investment approach paves the way for potentially lower prices.

Business model

Through one-off exclusivity fees (€2,000 per site) and option fees (€10,000-20,000 per site) and long-term rental agreements (€100,000-200,000 per year per site for 40 years).


With the idea validated and strategy planned for meticulous Direct Due Diligence before site acquisition in Spain, I'm now set to capitalize the opportunities and advance. Seeking investment partners next.

The company will then have secured around 150 sites and agreed leases with 50 sites, around 10 leases will have been entered into.


A key performance indicator to monitor is the volume of option-to-lease contracts signed with developers, currently aiming for an annual target of 10. Furthermore, track additional metrics such as securing sites through option-to-purchase agreements - targeting at least 30 locations yearly and strive to sign around 20 exclusivity deals annually with various developers. As operations are just starting up,no immediate past data can validate year-on-year growth or shortfalls yet.


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

Some potential risks include changes in energy storage technology making specific sites obsolete, decline in demand for land due to market saturation or policy changes, legal issues around land acquisition and leasing, currency fluctuation and economic instability.




We raised investments

Our Investors

There are no investors right now

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information

Our startup is an investment powerhouse, deriving substantial value from land ownership and generating robust rental income.
