Date of Foundation


Rent paid in full on time. Two payments/month

The Idea origin story

rent paid in full on time. Two payments/month. Provides budgeting and credit fintech and proptech services to B2C and B2B2C relationships generating revenue from $15/month subscription fees, transaction fees, plus insurance to cover unpaid dues by customers. Customers use a mobile app or website.

The Mission

Solution to rent payment stress. Mobile/web app halves rent due upfront, rest at convenience by end of month.


For B2C: renters, college students and international who need financial assistance for housing. For B2B2C: property owners

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup could solve rent payment stress, budgeting issues, and improve credit health for renters. It also offers property owners more reliable and on-time payments, reducing risk of income loss and enhancing financial stability in the housing market.

Confirmation of problem

There are empirical studies done that report that renters are expericing such pain points


PayRente's credit system lets renters pay half their rent on time, offering flexibility to cover the remaining amount at their convenience within the same month.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Web and mobile app. System integration allows payment to property owners on behalf of renters

How it works

Renters use web/mobile app, create an account, undergo background check for creditworthiness, and enjoy flexible rent payments with a monthly fee.

Value for the client

customers both have peace of mind and flexibility to manage their monthly budget towards other critical needs. All thanks to the full rent payment that is provided by our services.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Jose Manuel Cantillo

My key role in the product

My key role is Product Manager and I'm responsible for defining product vision, strategy, goals, designing roadmaps, managing feature prioritization.

Team size and key members

Nate is the CEO. Okurede is the Business Strategist. Ray is the CIO



Our competitors include Jetty, Flex, and PayRent. To identify additional competitors, consider researching similar services in property management or rent payment platforms within the target market area.

Our Advantages

Our support team will address customer needs individually, outperforming competitors like Flex. By offering international students their 1st month's membership for free, we cater to a targeted demographic and resolve timely rent payment issues.

Business model

We charge a $13.99 monthly subscription and a 0.75% processing fee for repaying covered rent payments.


Transition from idea to MVP by refining concept, establishing market fit & building core features. Progress to beta-testing: gather feedback, address issues & validate product-market fit. Achieve growth while staying agile and innovative for continuous improvement.

Drive company growth by focusing on B2B2C sales, evolving products, and leveraging current cash flow. Boost marketing campaigns for increased market visibility and customer engagement.


Develop crucial product metrics to measure success: user acquisition, active users, retention rate, engagement rates (session duration/depth), churn rate; customer lifetime value & cost of acquisition. Continuously monitor and optimize for growth towards achieving unicorn startup status.


Our company incorporated in

Atlanta, GA

Key risks

Main risks: low adoption, competition from established fintech/proptech firms, regulatory challenges, financial losses due to unpaid rent (insurance coverage limits), difficulty acquiring B2B2C partnerships, tech issues with app/website, potential negative impact on renter's credit.




We raised investments

Our Investors

Nathaniel Efik and others

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information