Date of Foundation


Revolutionising Sports through AI Camera

The Idea origin story

Sport4 is leveraging AI technology to revolutionize the world of sports broadcasting. Our advanced unmanned cameras are designed for capturing high-quality footage and efficient live-streaming, enabling individuals at all levels of sport to share their games seamlessly. With Sport4's innovative solution, every match can be effortlessly captured in real-time, making it more accessible than ever before.

The Mission

Revolutionizing sports through AI powered cameras for efficient and accessible live streaming of all-level games.


sports, schools, media, production companies and streaming platforms

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Confirmation of problem

many smaller sports struggle with costs and logistics of live streaming, while coaching, talent identification and analysis suffer.


Implementing an AI-powered camera system can reduce expenses and labor by autonomously capturing and streaming sports events or practices. It also offers valuable feedback for officials, cohesive insights on performance statistics for coaches, as well as talent identification, leading to overall improvement of the sport. This same solution can assist in reducing on-field incidents by bringing visibility into player's actions. On top of that, it makes lesser-known sports more accessible to diverse audiences creating opportunities for exposure and growth.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

How it works

Sport4 uses a portable, 180° vision capture VU-R camera on a 4.8m stand. It simultaneously processes and tracks play like an operator would.

Value for the client

Sport4's vision can be live-streamed, recorded for analysis and monetisation. It boosts audience size, player engagement and new sponsorship avenues.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Tom Tapping

My key role in the product

PitchBob’s recommendation: As founder and MD, with 40 years in broadcast and streaming, I lead our team in designing one of the world's top live-stream cameras.

Team size and key members

Ken Lee, skilled tech entrepreneur, excels in AR/VR/web3 while Guy Turner leverages media experience from News Corp and 7West Media.



Our Advantages

VU-R excels in live streaming, with auto-updates and hire options. Its portability allows filming anywhere. It's easy to operate, saving on crew costs; includes integrated commentary, scores, stats and sponsor graphics; streams to any platform for full content control.

Business model

Our clients lease the camera at around $300 per week for unlimited games, reducing game filming costs; recouping expenses through sponsorships/subscriptions.


PitchBob’s update: Nearing market entry with improved UI and operation. Formed partnerships, raised initial capital, advanced product capabilities via top technical partners, and received multiple local/international interests.

The company is set to attain profitability and positive cash flow ahead of exhausting the funds, demonstrating both fiscal responsibility and growth potential.


Product metrics: In pre-use phase, yet to determine churn rate. Estimated CAC at $30 with a significant LTV around $10K highlights promising ROI. User frequency expected multiple times weekly suggesting strong engagement potential. Anticipated conversion is an impressive 50-70%.

Forecasted revenue is $6m, $20m and $50m for 2023/24 to 2025/26. Net profit of 15%, rising to 48% by '25/'26. COGS reducing over time while scale improves efficiency. Strong cash flow thanks to advance payments model, no sales debt. Favorable payment agreement on COGS.


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

"Major risks: technological glitches, security concerns, high initial AI investment, industry resistance and legal issues. These are mitigated by proper funding, qualified staff and an enterprise business model. Competitors' market visibility assists in industry acceptance."



Approximately 500000

We raised investments

Our Investors

330000 from VC 200000 from angel or seed investors

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information

Sport4, an OTT platform integrated with a production company, has strong global traction. This unique startup is poised for robust sales through partnerships with international market leaders.