Date of Foundation


"AI model miniaturization and deployment on IoT in off-grid environments."

The Idea origin story

Ninjalabo is a trailblazing tech company that specializes in re-engineering large AI models to fit into small-scale IoT devices. This innovative approach decentralizes AI processing from Cloud GPU and integrates it directly on local devices, reducing the need for intensive networks. Ninjalabo targets severe environments like outer space where data overloads are common. A key example includes shifting AI applications from earthbound stations to real-time satellites or even onto rovers for exploration efforts, therefore enabling uninterrupted operation of AI under challenging conditions.

The Mission

"Empowering devices with AI, Ninjalabo decentralizes processing from Clouds to onboard microcontrollers, for reliable operations in harsh environments."


Space agency, space hardware equipment vendors, any IoT hardeware vendors

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Ninjalabo solves issues of bulky AI models which demand huge resources, impractical for space missions. It tackles the delay caused by earth-based data processing and enhances real-time data management in environments with sparse computing resources.

Confirmation of problem

the existing AI models are huge, leading to delays in processing space data on mission sites.


Ninjalabo's solution includes compact AI models for resource efficiency, onboard data processing on satellites for quicker decisions, and adaptive systems that learn within space's constraints.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Edge computing, TinyML, Cloud Orchestration, IoT tech, Microcontrollers.

How it works

We provide a SaaS platform where customers upload their AI models. These are then optimized for microcontrollers in IoT devices for seamless execution.

Value for the client

"Ninjalabo transforms space missions by decentralizing and miniaturizing AI models, enabling instant local data processing even under toughest conditions."

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Hiroshi Doyu

My key role in the product

My key role is CEO & Developer, and I'm responsible for strategic decision-making, product development and driving growth within the company.

Team size and key members

Hiroshi Doyu (CEO), Roberto Morabito (CTO), and Kumiko Takimoto (CMO) lead Ninjalabo. Advisors include AI experts A.Ilin, L.Wang and tax advisor T.Viitala.



EdgeImpluse has a SaaS platform. Palantiar work on Spage Edge AI

Our Advantages

Leveraging our late entry advantage, we effortlessly integrate cutting-edge technology unlike others entangled by established yet inflexible infrastructures.

Business model

We license AI models to satellite makers, provide integration expertise for missions, and offer upgrades/support. And also subscription for our SaaS platform


Successfully concluded a rigorous six-month NEXUS Deep Tech incubation program at the University of Helsinki, advancing significantly in the development of our cutting-edge SaaS platform - TinyML as-a-Service.

The company's financial progress shows promising strides. The net profit, initially recording losses of -0.151 and -0.175 million € in years 0 and 1 respectively, rebounded with a positive net profit by year 2 at 0.094 million € and surged to an impressive peak of 0.766 million € by year 3. The upward momentum is evident even more so in gross profits; starting modestly from 0.063 million €, it continually grew over


Product metrics are crucial determinants of a product's performance and success. They deliver insightful data about user engagement, retention rate, customer loyalty and satisfaction levels that can drive business decisions & boost ROI effectively.


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

High R&D costs and lengthy development cycles can impact profitability. Market adoption could be slow due to the niche area of focus. Regulatory approval for space-related technologies may pose challenges. Product failure in a high-risk environment like Space can have far-reaching consequences.




We raised investments

Our Investors

European Space Agency (ESA), 25,000 euro Business Finland TEMPO, 60,000 euro Own investment, 30,000 euro

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments


30,000 euro

Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information

Adaptive Intelligence: Continually improving systems, becoming wiser after each space expedition.