Helenis Biocosmetics
Date de fondation

Helenis Biocosmetics

Natural microorganism-led biocosmetic brand prioritizing skin microbiome care.

L'histoire de l'origine de l'idée

Helenis Biocosmetics is reshaping the skincare landscape with natural and potent solutions that nourish your skin's microbiome. Balancing nature and science, we provide family-friendly care - catering to everyone from newborns to adults. Our focus on Microbiome Beauty positions us as innovators, poised to become a global authority in delivering wholly natural products that foster comprehensive health for your skin's ecosystem.

La mission

Revolutionizing skincare with our 100% natural, minimalist products to enhance the skin microbiome health for all ages


In general, people seeking organic skincare, individuals with skin conditions, conscious consumers preferring biofriendly products.

Les problèmes que nous résolvons

Le problème du client

Your startup can solve issues related to skin health aggravated by chemical-based products, provide natural care for people with skin conditions, and cater to demand for eco-friendly personal care products.

Confirmation du problème

many skin treatments yield unsatisfactory results and come with negative side effects.


We are revolutionizing skincare with proven science and minimalist formulas. Our products enhance skin health using natural prebiotic, probiotic and postbiotic microorganisms.

Notre technologies

Cette solution s'appuie sur des technologies

Our innovation lies in creating unique, microbiome-focused products that address both skin conditions and common imperfections.

Comment ça marche

Helenis Biocosmetics® enhances skin health by modulating microorganisms that act as a protective shield, reducing visible damage.

Valeur pour le client

Helenis Biocosmetics: Revolutionizing skincare with 100% natural products enhancing your skin's microbiome health for all ages.

Marché et stratégie

Taille du marché


mln par an

Nous estimons la taille du marché pour lequel notre solution est conçue en termes monétaires comme suit

Objectif de part de marché


% du marché

Notre objectif pour les 3 prochaines années


Je m'appelle

Maria Elena Jimenez Harrane

Mon rôle clé dans le produit

My key role is the project lead and I'm responsible for initiating projects, managing relationships, overseeing their execution & quality.

Taille de l'équipe et principaux membres

Consider bringing on a co-founder for shared decision-making, marketing expertise for consumer reach, and financial advisor for budget oversights.



Although there are some brands that focus on the skin microbiome, there is no brand with such a wide target audience (from babies to adults) that uses ingredients of 100% natural origin.

Nos avantages

Leveraging the finest natural cosmetics and cutting-edge biotechnology, our concentrated formulas exclude water for enhanced potency. Our product line is enriched with pre/pro/post-biotics for optimal skin health.

Modèle d'affaires

The launch of these products is still due this December and the price will likely be between 40 to 80 Euros. This puts the expected markup at around 200%.


Final prototypes developed, formulas defined and finely tuned. Tester program completion achieved. Preliminary production batch processed and dispatched to lab for testing. Awaiting promising results presently.

Predicted first-year sales of 350 units could generate $113,000 revenue. The startup's self-sufficiency is anticipated by the second year, underlining steady progress and growth.


While not yet in place, a tracking system for vital indicators like Monthly Active Users (MAU), Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) and Lifetime Value of customers (LTV) will be crucial to measure success once the product hits market.


Notre société constituée en

Valencia, Spain

Clé risques

Main risks could be stringent regulations for skincare products, potential allergic reactions due to natural ingredients, competition from established brands and rapid changes in beauty industry trends. Customer acquisition might prove challenging given the niche target audience.




Nous avons augmenté nos investissements

Nos investisseurs

I am the sole investor using my own funds.

Investissements en hausse



Actuellement, nous augmentons les investissements



Évaluation prévisionnelle de l'entreprise avant l'investissement

Nous recherchons un co-fondateurs

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