Vertscend Automation Private Limited
Date of Foundation

Vertscend Automation Private Limited

We are a AI AtoZ project implementation company

The Idea origin story

Vertscend's DefectSense ProTrack, a real-time metal sheet defect tracking system, uses advanced video analytics for accurate defect detection and identification. Its key features include live view of the production process, seamless PLC/Level1 integration, sophisticated defect tracking, customizable control signals and alarms. The flexible mounting options cater to different layouts while its user-friendly dashboard offers historical data access for quality control and decision making. Overall, it boosts operational safety, minimizes scrap rate hence enhancing overall product quality.

The Mission

Mission: Enhancing product quality through advanced defect detection, real-time process monitoring, data-driven optimization, seamless automation integration, and increased operational safety.


DefectSense successfully implemented at JSW Tarapur; successful pilots demonstrated at JSW Vasing, SAIL Asansol, ADANI, Vedanta BALCo.

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Our product resolves issues such as inefficient defect detection, lack of real-time monitoring, limited data analysis capabilities, manual intervention needs, high product returns and mitigates safety risks and equipment damage.

Confirmation of problem

current defect detection methods are time-consuming, prone to errors and don't allow real-time tracking, leading to reduced product quality.


Our solution uses high-precision cameras for clear imaging, an AI platform for accurate defect detection and identification, and a user-friendly dashboard for simple defect assessment.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Machine Learning, Video Analytics, AI-Based Image Processing, IoT Integration.

How it works

Our system uses high-speed cameras, a deep neural network platform for defect detection, and provides an operator-friendly dashboard for easy assessment.

Value for the client

Our solution assures precise defect detection, real-time monitoring, seamless integration, process optimization and enhanced safety.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Varun Jadhav

My key role in the product

Your key role is Director of Vertscend Automation and you're responsible for global marketing strategy and sales performance.

Team size and key members

Team includes CEO Varun Jadhav, CTO Pankaj Jadhav; managers for sales, operations, marketing, project execution, dev project and networks.



Your startup, a complete AI project implementation company, has various competitors including Cognex Corporation, ISRA VISION AG, Keyence Corporation, Basler AG, Datalogic SpA, Teledyne DALSA Inc., Omron Microscan Systems, National Instruments Corporation and Siemens AG.

Our Advantages

Our system offers high-speed operation for continuous defect monitoring, minimizes downtime with fast defect detection, uses advanced video analytics for precise quality control, integrates seamlessly with existing mill infrastructures and provides flexible mounting options.

Business model

We have two factors in the commercial hardware and software. Hardware includes high speed, precision cameras, servers, edge processors and AI based software which will be license based yearly license


Our project is now successfully operational at two prime locations in JSW Tarapur and seamlessly integrated into their production environment. Prestigious firms like ADANI, SAIL, and Vedanta have witnessed our effective product demonstrations.


6. Average Revenue Per User (ARPU): It is crucial to calculate the money earned on average from each user, indicating how well you're monetizing your customers. 7. Viral Coefficient: This metric would help understand if any customer brings in additional users ensuring exponential growth 8. Retention Rate: Help track and maintain a loyal base of active users over time. 9. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): Regular check that evaluates customer's happiness towards their purchase or interaction with your startup 10.Revenue Run rate: To estimate future revenue by extrapolating current results gives insights into financial stability. By monitoring these metrics along with previously mentioned figures allows for comprehensive understanding about performance facilitating effective decision making thus paving the path becoming an unicorn start-up

Our total sales have reached a robust INR 2,50,00,000 with DefectSense contributing INR 50,00,000 to this impressive sum.


Our company incorporated in

Key risks

Dependence on specific hardware components and Slow adoption rate by customers or difficulty integrating with existing infrastructures



We raised investments

Our Investors

Rising Investments


Currently, we are raising investments


Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information
