Umagine Hydrogen
Date of Foundation

Umagine Hydrogen

Hydrogen Fuel Cells - Revolutionizing clean power, one cell at a time

The Idea origin story

Umagine Hydrogen targets the transformation of power generation through our innovative hydrogen fuel cells. We aim to supersede existing diesel-based systems with a focus on portable and stationary facilities, harnessing modularity, stackability, scalability to deliver cost-effective solutions. Our market edge lies in ensuring the secure supply of low carbon hydrogen while delivering clean energy efficiently and sustainably.

The Mission

"Revolutionizing clean power through development, deployment of hydrogen fuel cells for sustainable portable & stationary power generation."


Our customers are diesel-reliant industries and individuals seeking uninterrupted renewable power.

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup could potentially solve the problem of dependency on fossil fuels for energy, reduce emissions from diesel-based power generation, and provide a round-the-clock clean power solution. It would also ensure stable energy supply even in remote areas.

Confirmation of problem

many companies still rely on high-polluting diesel generators, and renewable energy sources often fall short in providing continuous power.


Developing a hydrogen fuel cell product that is cost-effective, scalable, efficient across diverse temperature conditions and completely green by producing zero emissions. Ensure

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Advanced PEM fuel cell stacks, in combination with in-house developed balance of system components.

How it works

Hydrogen fuel cells replace diesel generators. Low carbon hydrogen and air create electricity, with water as by-product.

Value for the client

"Delivering clean, pollution-free power around the clock via hydrogen fuel cells, ensuring scalable energy solution with zero greenhouse emissions."

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Santosh Gurunath

My key role in the product

Your key role as a CEO is developing business goals, overseeing marketing and sales strategies, fostering partnerships, and promoting growth.

Team size and key members

Laxmikant Banjarey, CTO and Co-Founder. He is responsible for the technology development, engineering, validation, manufacturing, and execution of the projects.



Potential competitors for your hydrogen fuel cell startup could also include companies like FuelCell Energy, PowerCell Sweden AB, SFC Energy AG and MyFC. You should monitor these firms closely as they are leading innovators in the fuel cell sector.

Our Advantages

Enjoy the advantages of flexibility with our modular design, efficient space usage via stackability and a budget-friendly manufacturing process. Plus, an integrated platform for consistent green hydrogen supply and certification.

Business model

By selling fuel cells to customers. Typical modular fuel cell is 10 kW, and price for that is 30000 $.


We've made major strides in product development, deploying a 25 kW system for an Indian microgrid application. Securing several LOIs for similar systems, we’ve even locked down key suppliers. Bolstering these successes is our ~$100k revenue from fuel cell services.

1. Backward integration increased from 20% to 40%, and associated IP filed 2. Sale of at least 5 fuel cell systems, with cumulative capacity of 100 kW 3. Overall unit cost reduction by 20%


5. Customer conversion rate for each product type. 6. Yearly growth trend in sales volume of fuel cells sold or LOI secured.7.Progress regarding cost reduction per unit over time periods quantified. 8.Percentage representation to show extent of backward integration for subsystems.

Total income stands at $100,000. The business commands a net profit of $20,000. With an accelerated pace of delivering one project every two months, our monthly cash inflow is $10,000. Our spending rate or 'burn rate' is currently calculated at $30,000 per month.


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

1. Securing a cost effective low carbon hydrogen supply 2. Adoption rate due to lack of hydrogen infrastructure 3. High initial set up costs of fuel cells 4. Adequate safety in design and regulatory challenges around Hydrogen storage 5. Supply chain challenges for specific components 6. Competition with lower cost battery technologies




We raised investments

Our Investors

Angel Investors - cumulatively they own 20% of the company

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information

The product has been built using a deep market know-how of fuel cells, and incorporating the frugal manufacturing and technology innovation in India. Adding a component of secure low carbon hydrogen supply helps the customer enormously.
