TAP Asset Management
Date of Foundation

TAP Asset Management

Revolutionizing Digital Asset Management

The Idea origin story

TAP Asset Management is a pioneering DeFi company that aims to revolutionize the private markets and alternative investments sphere. Leveraging leading-edge Distributed Ledger Technology, we offer robust fund management platform marketing diverse tokenized funds for alternative assets. Our mission is not only to cater traditional investors but also democratizing access, thus providing everyone an equal opportunity to engage with private market investments.

The Mission

"TAP aims to create a leading platform for tokenized real-world assets. We're recognized in the financial industry for diverse investment opportunities."


High Net Worth Investors, Qualified Investors and Institutional Investors

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup could solve problems like limited asset liquidity, high entry barriers to alternative investments, lack of transparency in private markets and lack of diversification options for high net worth investors.

Confirmation of problem

traditional investing in alternative assets is often illiquid, non-transparent and involves high costs.


Our solution enhances liquidity and global access, improves transparency, enables fractional ownership for asset diversification, and reduces costs through blockchain-based tokenization.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Blockchain, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), Tokenization technology, Cryptography.

How it works

A Luxembourg-based SLP/SCSp fund, integrated with tokenization via blockchain technology.

Value for the client

TAP brings liquid, transparent and economical investment solutions in alternative assets via blockchain technology to privileged investors.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Miles Alexander Ward

My key role in the product

Your key role is CEO, and you're responsible for overall management, shaping business strategies, fund allocation, sales improvement and coordinating with strategic partners.

Team size and key members

Consider hiring a Chief Technical Officer for tech development, a Business Development Manager to drive growth, and a Financial Advisor for budget management.



very limited competition, competitors tend to focus on one specific product or asset rather than offering a broader full alternative asset management solution.

Our Advantages

Experience reduced management fees, diverse alternative asset funds, comprehensive investment view & AI-driven portfolio allocation for optimal performance. A new horizon of financial growth awaits you.

Business model

charge a fund management and performance fee as well as transaction fees on FIAT and crypto conversions. Some clients will pay on the overall AUM invested across the platform.


We're a registered UK Ltd., serving as SLP/SCSp General Partner in Luxembourg. Secured partnerships with fund manager, back office provider & blockchain platform for KYC/AML functions. Actively seeking angel investment while bootstrapping our efforts.

The company is set to transition from covering all expenses and compensations into a profitable entity as the Assets Under Management (AUM) significantly increase.


Currently, no product metrics are being tracked as the website just launched. To measure growth and performance, we'll implement analytics for user engagement, customer acquisition cost (CAC), lifetime value (LTV), churn rate & monthly active users soon.

Currently, the venture is in its foundational stage with no customer base or revenue generation. It's a fertile ground for potential growth and development.


Our company incorporated in

London, United Kingdom

Key risks

Regulatory changes, technological disruptions, cyber security threats, competition from other startups or established firms, lack of acceptance by potential customers and investors.




We raised investments

Our Investors

no current investors other than myself

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information

TAP, short for The Alternatives Platform, is a pioneering DeFi Asset Management venture that aims to revolutionize the private markets and alternative investment universe by harnessing Distributed Ledger Technology. We're not just a fund supermarket platform offering an extensive collection of alternative assets; we also have our own funds in our portfolio. Real-world assets like private equity, art pieces, real estate, commodities will be transformed into tradable digital tokens via tokenization.