Superr Pets
Date of Foundation

Superr Pets

Innovative Co-Parenting Solution App

The Idea origin story

Superr Pets is an all-inclusive pet care platform that caters to the dynamic demands of pet parents and caregivers. Designed with a user-friendly interface, we aim to simplify pet ownership while building an engaging community rooted in shared affection for pets. Our diverse array of services encompassing e-commerce, GPS tracking, personalized pet solutions and dedicated pet profiles cater holistically to every facet of nurturing pets.

The Mission

"Superr Pets aims to revolutionize pet parenting with a comprehensive platform meeting the diverse needs of pets and their parents globally."


Existing Pet Parents, Potential Pet Parents, Foster Pet Parents, Experts, Vets, Brands, Businesses, Adoption Agencies, Non-Profit Organisations.

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup can solve diverse challenges faced by pet parents by providing a user-friendly platform offering pet care solutions, tracking, expert advice and an e-commerce platform selling pet products. It aids businesses in reaching out to their target audience as well.

Confirmation of problem

many pet parents struggle with organization, finding services, and maintaining proper pet care records in one accessible place.


Create a mobile app that offers comprehensive solutions including digital pet profiles, medical record tracking, co-parenting schedules and access to a network of experts

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Mobile App Development, GPS Tracking, E-Commerce Infrastructure, Blockchain for Pet Identification, Data Analytics.

How it works

Download our app to create various pet profiles, confirm your ownership and streamline co-parenting with ease.

Value for the client

Superr Pets offers a one-stop platform for all pet care needs, simplifying pet parenting & fostering a supportive global community.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Hemanth Chaganti

My key role in the product

Your key role as the Founder & CEO requires you to formulate product ideation, map out business and product strategy, and manage team.

Team size and key members

Add a Data Analyst for market strategies, a Finance Expert for budgeting and possibly an HR Manager to handle team wellbeing.



In addition to your mentioned competitors, FamilyTrac and iChild could also be strong competition due to their existing market presence in the co-parenting app space.

Our Advantages

Superr Pets unifies a lifetime of services, from microchipping to co-parenting management, under one convenient platform. Our user-friendly experience tailors to the exact needs of our audience for seamless pet care operations.

Business model

We profit from selling microchips, pet-themed merchandise and ID tags, additionally earning commission from partner products/services.


Our merchandise store is thriving after a successful 3-month run. Both app prototype and website have been launched and are fully operational, setting the stage for an imminent launch of microchip sales.

Transitioning to a profitable model, we aim for self-sustainability. This strategic shift propels us into steady growth trajectory without relying on external funding.


Burgeoning user base of 250+, with sales hitting the mark at an impressive 60K. The Average Order Value soars substantially high, standing strong at $1200 per transaction while maintaining a vigorous growth rate simultaneously.


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

Some main risks could include: High competition in pet services market, difficulty in acquiring reliable service providers and vendors, potential issues with data privacy and security of the platform, scaling challenges due to differing pet regulations across regions.




We raised investments

Our Investors

Bootstrapped. 100% Owned by me.

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information