Date of Foundation


AI-powered Marketing SaaS for Artists

The Idea origin story

Shuffle is a sophisticated AI-driven platform developed to aid independent artists navigate the oversaturated music market. It focuses on amplifying their visibility with tailored campaigns, optimizing engagement with data analytics, and consolidating their marketing efforts, enabling them to concentrate on their artistry.

The Mission

Empowering independent artists with AI-driven marketing tools to amplify visibility, optimize engagement, and focus on artistry.


Independent artists, music labels, music managers.

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Building and engaging a fanbase is often expensive, time-intensive, and demands expertise across various fields.

Confirmation of problem

Daily, over 100k tracks hit Spotify but astonishingly, 45.6M got no streams last year. Independents grapple in this cluttered market.


Shuffle offers AI-powered marketing for artists - enhancing visibility, driving fan engagement, and streamlining marketing efforts within one efficient platform.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

How it works

Our solution leverages advanced AI to launch targeted campaigns, optimizes video ads, reaches global audiences via vast media network and provides detailed analytics for audience engagement.

Value for the client

Our customers enjoy access to an engaged fanbase, gaining enhanced options to monetize their music and data.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Guy Tal

My key role in the product

My key role is CEO and I'm responsible for setting strategic direction, making major corporate decisions, and building a high-performing team.

Team size and key members

Our team includes founders Benny Arbel and Shahar Caspi, CTO Harel Amir, Software Engineer Or Yanay, PPC Manager Dima, Designer Hen, Biz Dev expert Bill Campbell and Marketing guru Jon Vanhalla.



Potential competitors could also include broader digital marketing platforms such as Hootsuite or Buffer, music promotion services like Playlist Push, and industry giants like Spotify who may expand their artist services.

Our Advantages

Our edge lies in our remarkable creative optimization and ability to craft bespoke ads, backed by comprehensive analytics for informed decisions. We offer indispensable Ad Account & Pixel services, utilize A&R Scoring methodology, and optimize across multiple platforms for best results.

Business model

We operate on a subscription model with packages starting from $249 for targeting 100K music fans, up to $2500/month for ultimate customization.


We've successfully developed a minimum viable product, complemented with extensive market research to ensure it meets the dynamic needs of our target audience.

With these funds, we're looking to advance our AI algorithm, escalate marketing and sales efforts, and boost client service resources. By the time they deplete, we aim to have gained 300+ clients and become self-sustainable via our subscription revenues.


We monitor vital product metrics including daily playbacks, user interaction levels, marketing campaign yields, the efficacy of Spotify integration and income from ticket and merchandise sale avenues.

Prior to our official launch, we've secured 30 paying clients divided into different reward levels. We have 5 customers signed up for the premium class, a VIP membership held by renowned artist Tim McGraw, a strong base of 21 Gold-tier patrons and the return of three loyal clients.


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

Our startup's core risks include unpredictable changes in platforms like Spotify, maintaining the balance between service scalability and personal touch, and keeping pace with the rapidly evolving competitive landscape of digital marketing within music industry.




We raised investments

Our Investors

The owners

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information