Quick Exit
Date of Foundation

Quick Exit

"Innovative emergency evacuation solution with real-time alerts."

The Idea origin story

Born from personal experience, our venture, Quick Exit, offers a cutting-edge alert system for emergencies. Our compelling technology triumphs over the limitations of traditional alarms by integrating real-time alerts into busy or quiet environments. We strive to redefine disaster response and provide peace of mind in times of crisis by ensuring safety even in noise-reduced locales. With an unwavering commitment to safeguarding lives and fortifying communities, we're ushering in the evolution of emergency preparedness.

The Mission

Vision: Redefining safety, ensuring every individual's protection during emergencies. Mission: Innovating advanced solutions for real-time alerts in noise-reduced spaces, fostering global resilience.


Target customers are individuals, households, businesses, and governments seeking enhanced safety through advanced emergency evacuation solutions.

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Traditional alarms fail to alert during emergencies, especially when people are asleep or inside sound-insulated spaces. Our solution ensures timely warnings for utmost safety.

Confirmation of problem

The problem is evident in instances where people miss emergency alerts while sleeping, phones not being near them or flat, and traditional outdoor sirens being inaudible due to wind direction proximity to people or well insulated modern houses leading to potential danger.


Our solution is an inhouse, real-time alarm that serves both as a mandatory fire alarm and emergency alert mechanism.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Your product is based on IoT, real-time alerts, integrated 4G module, advanced sound engineering, and seamless integration for robust emergency evacuation.

How it works

Our solution integrates 4G technology and real-time alerts into a fire alarm, ensuring immediate evacuation notifications, even indoors or during sleep.

Value for the client

Revolutionizes safety with real-time alerts & evacuation solutions ensuring protection in noise-reduced spaces.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Sean Goodwin

My key role in the product

I'm responsible for strategic direction, innovation, partnerships, and overseeing the project. My role includes driving the mission, leading and inspiring the team towards milestones.

Team size and key members

I currently just have myself. But plan using the invested money to attract a team



Even if there's no direct competitor, indirect competitors could be traditional alarm systems, earthquake or severe weather alert apps. Also don't rule out future tech-enhanced solutions in the disaster response market.

Our Advantages

Our product leverages advanced tech for real-time alerts, surpassing old system boundaries. It guarantees evacuation notices indoors & during sleep, effectively addressing audibility concerns.

Business model

Clients pay for our emergency evacuation solution. Revenue comes from product sales, installation services


Currently envisioned, requiring financial support for product development to transform this innovative concept into a market-ready solution.

Upon funds depletion, we'll have a fully developed prototype, tested technology, potential partnerships, and a market-ready product. This progress sets the stage for product launch, attracting further investment or generating revenue.


You may not have quantitative metrics in the traditional sense, however you can rely on qualitative measures for now. Gauge interests from potential customers and investors through surveys or interviews; gather feedback to refine your concept accordingly.


Our company incorporated in

New Zealand

Key risks

Main risks include technology challenges during development, regulatory compliance hurdles, market acceptance uncertainty, potential competition, securing funding, and the risk of intellectual property being stolen.




We raised investments

Our Investors

I have no investors. I am after first round investors

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments


I am unsure

Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information
