Date of Foundation


Event Planning Mobile Application

The Idea origin story

Loctaps was conceived from a personal struggle to make social planning efficient while in university and as young adults. Navigating through finding suitable times, locations or even communicating with friends formed the core challenge. Aiming for convenience, Loctaps endeavors to streamline all these aspects into one simple application - making it easier for users to organize their events and strengthen their bonds by facilitating more social interaction. In essence, Loctaps aspires to encapsulate your entire social life within a single app.

The Mission

"Loctaps mission is to simplify social planning, making it easy for everyone to connect and enjoy life's moments together."


Actually, we are two-sided. Both mobile application users who need digital solution for social life and businesses which wants to increase their revenues.

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup could solve the problem of efficient social event planning by providing a user-friendly platform. It also helps businesses reach their target audience directly, thus boosting revenue and customer engagement.

Confirmation of problem

many people struggle with event planning and finding the time to socialize, leading to increased anxiety levels.


Facilitation of planning event and encouraging people to hang out with their friends. Also, it helps users to discover new occasions and places by creating marketing channel for businesses.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Mobile app development, Geolocation services, AI for personalized recommendations, Big data analysis, Push notifications tech, Cloud computing.

How it works

Users create events by selecting participants and details. They also view friends' activities for spontaneous joining.

Value for the client

Loctaps streamlines event planning, saves time, enhances social connections and enables discovery of new happening spots.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Kutay Baharoğlu

My key role in the product

My key role is CEO and I'm responsible for setting company strategy, making major corporate decisions, and building a strong team.

Team size and key members

We have CTO who is other co-founder. He is responsible for developing product. CMO: responsible for marketing. COO: responsible for establishing partnership with businesses.



In addition to the ones you mentioned, potential competitors could include Evite, Eventbrite, Facebook Events and Meetup. These platforms also facilitate event planning and have a significant user base.

Our Advantages

With keen insights from our in-house university students, who are also part of our target demographic, we're set to outperform in the Turkish market where major competitors lack a strong presence. Our strength lies in superior customer understanding and strategic positioning.

Business model

New suggestion


Successfully executed a Proof of Concept collaborating with various businesses. Now, proudly launched our innovative product on the IOS platform.


User acquisition rate measures the number of new users attained within a set timeframe. Retention Rate gauges the percentage of returning customers over time, showing user loyalty levels. The metrics for event planning count how many events are planned and executed while average events per user assesses individual engagement intensity based on their participation frequency in planned activities.


Our company incorporated in

Key risks

Main risks could include intense competition from existing social planning apps, failure to attract a critical mass of users and businesses, ensuring user privacy and data security. Additionally, there's the need for continuous innovation to stay attractive for users. Risk that smaller events or businesses may not see sufficient ROI through your platform can also pose as a risk.



We raised investments

Our Investors

Rising Investments


Currently, we are raising investments


Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information

New suggestion