Lightning Tours
Date of Foundation

Lightning Tours

Immersive VR Experiences for Seniors

The Idea origin story

Lightning Tours is a virtual reality business that is aimed at addressing the challenges of social isolation, depression, anxiety, and limited travel opportunities among seniors and marginalized groups in senior living facilities, hospices, assisted living facilities, and medical establishments. Our innovative solution utilizes the Meta Quest VR headset to provide immersive tours of destinations around the world, offering a transformative and enriching experience that promotes the mental health and well-being of the many individuals who can participate.

The Mission

"Empowering seniors through virtual reality to explore, connect, and enrich their lives beyond physical boundaries."


Senior living facilities, assisted living facilities, hospices, memory care, medical establishments and schools

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup can address social isolation, depression and anxiety of elders by providing them safe travel experiences. It can also offer educational tours to schools and cognitive therapies in medical establishments via virtual reality.

Confirmation of problem

many seniors in care facilities experience loneliness, depression and limited interaction with the outside world.


"Lightning Tours uses VR to bring global destinations to seniors in care facilities. Our partnerships create shared, uplifting experiences."

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Virtual Reality, AI for personalized tours & healthcare integration, Cloud Computing for data storage.

How it works

Lightning Tours provides personalized VR tours to senior care residents, focusing on ease of use and mental well-being.

Value for the client

"Lightning Tours revolutionize senior living with VR experiences, addressing social isolation, and mental health barriers."

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Jeremy Ford

My key role in the product

As the Founder/CEO, I lead strategically, secure partnerships and investments, while also representing Lightning Tours externally.

Team size and key members

PitchBob’s recommendation: CMO leads in marketing and sales while our VR Content Team develops immersive virtual tours for our audience.



Our Advantages

Leveraging Bob's suggestion, here's an improved product advantage description: "Unleash unparalleled efficiency with our cutting-edge tool. Boost productivity, empower team collaboration and streamline workflow like never before. Experience transformative digital solutions!"

Business model

First virtual tour is $99 and all tours thereafter are $149-$199


Product progress reported a consistent uplift in revenue from January's $400 to June's $2800, experiencing its highest growth between May and June. Despite slight contraction in April, the trend outlines steady financial growth.

The company's earnings should be robust enough to meet its commitments effectively and sustainably.


Product metrics are measurable values that disclose effectiveness of a product. They provide insights for user engagement, retention rates, churn rate etc., and assist in taking pivotal decisions towards growth.


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

The main risks for your startup could be the technology adoption by elders, considering they are not usually tech-savvy. Health issues related to using VR like motion sickness or disorientation might occur. Lastly, potential privacy and data security concerns can emerge while operating in healthcare facilities.




We raised investments

Our Investors

I own 100%

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments


I don’t have this

Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information

Our startup thrives on agility, constant growth, and collaborations. Chasing investments for scale-up operations to boost market presence, we strategically partner with industry mavens. We pledge to digitally advance society while optimizing stakeholder value.
