Date of Foundation


An AI Labor Coach

The Idea origin story

Envision a shift from the heteronormative, male-centric norm in the birth/new baby industry. Our plan is to form an inclusive app and community, embracing all kinds of families. We seek to democratize access to expertise from doulas and childcare professionals, making it readily available at everyone's fingertips.

The Mission

Empowering the villages of little ones with inclusive, expert child-rearing knowledge in the birth/new baby space through an AI powered app. As well as reduce the US Maternal Mortality Rate."


Anyone who is, or is in the village of someone, preparing to have a little one. Either through birth, surrogacy, or adoption.

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup could democratize access to expert child-rearing knowledge, provide inclusive support for all family structures, and help reduce the maternal mortality rate through education and resources.

Confirmation of problem

The US has the highest maternal mortality rate among developed nations, and lack of expert knowledge is widespread, especially for famies created through non-traditional methods like surrogacy or adoption.


Creating an AI-powered app to equip all with inclusive, expert infant care knowledge. Its features are customized for each unique family situation.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

AI and Machine Learning, Mobile App Development, Personalized Algorithms, Data Analytics.

How it works

By leveraging AI, Machine Learning, Mobile App Development, Personalized Algorithms, and Data Analytics, the app offers personalized advice and resources to diverse families.

Value for the client

An AI Labor Coach empowers families with inclusive, expert baby-care knowledge, tailoring to diverse family types and birthing methods.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Alyx Waterman

My key role in the product

As a Founder/CEO, your key role is directing overall vision, shaping the product strategy, and ensuring efficient execution of Agile development processes.

Team size and key members

solo founder



Other potential competitors could be healthcare clinics offering labor support services, e-learning platforms providing childbirth education courses, as well as telehealth companies with a focus on maternity care. It's essential to conduct a thorough competitive analysis to understand the market landscape better.

Our Advantages

Kit. provides a unique, all-encompassing family journey for every lifestyle, from planning to toddlerhood. Customized via AI, it delivers tailored advice and unmatched resources. A revolutionary app in the market like no other.

Business model

Subscription-based model. Account holders and limited number of guest users can access the core features for $75 a year. Can purchase specialized 'kits' for fees, unlocking unique features.


Refine your idea, map out key features, understand user profiles, conduct thorough market research and gather requirements. Successfully fundraise to ensure smooth operations.

Preparing to launch our MVP, we've also charted roadmaps and backlogs for future releases. Ready to unveil innovation step by step.


Product metrics include: Monthly Active Users (count of engaged users), Customer Acquisition Cost (expenses to gain a customer), Churn Rate (% losing customers over time) Average Revenue Per User (income per user). Conversion Rate tracks % making purchases. Satisfaction determined by surveys, Net Promoter Score gauges loyalty, while Virality Coefficient measures product's viral spread rate.


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

Limited user adoption due to potential initial mistrust of AI for such critical information. Legal issues related to medical or health advice provided through the app. Dependency on expert knowledge incorporation and its ongoing updates and maintenance.




We raised investments

Our Investors

Me, the founder, owns 100%

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information
