Date of Foundation


smart city technology developer and infrastructure provider

The Idea origin story

Offer innovative financing solutions to help fuel smart city projects when mainstream financial avenues aren't sufficient. With these investments, we aim to accelerate the implementation of high-tech urban infrastructure and enhance citizens' quality of life. We designed our model specifically for cities striving to adopt the latest technology but are faced with budgetary constraints, thus catalyzing their transition into smarter and more connected societies.

The Mission

Mission: Lead in providing cutting-edge IaaS for smart cities. Vision: Enhance global living standards as premier digital infrastructure provider.


cities who are willing to upgrade their and infrastructure to a smart infrastructure and provide better services to citizens

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Our product addresses issues like funding constraints, technology risks, monetization challenges and interconnectivity complexities for cities. We also help in strategic planning around robust business models, innovative financing structures and policy compliance amidst legal risks.

Confirmation of problem

smart city projects face considerable obstacles, including funding constraints, technology risks, interconnectivity issues and complicated legal frameworks.


PitchBob’s recommendation: We provide multi-faceted solutions addressing financial constraints, technology risks and regulatory complexities in smart city projects.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

How it works

Our solution operates through multiple modules including smart garbage collection, parking, schools, mobility and crime monitoring.

Value for the client

Smart city solutions optimize infrastructure and sustainability, enhancing quality of life in safer, cleaner, more efficient cities.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s


My key role in the product

As a leader at iXicities, I establish strategic direction, foster partnerships and ensure our smart city solutions meet urban needs effectively.

Team size and key members

To enhance market strategy, consider an experienced Chief Marketing Officer. Additionally, hiring a skilled Chief Financial Officer could strengthen financial planning and operations.



Large companies offer Smart City solutions, mainly focusing on big ticket projects. Smaller firms provide specific services like smart garbage collection, street lights etc. Few holistic providers exist that operate as a public-private partnership (PPP). We target unattended smaller cities as a PPP, bringing both funding and technology.

Our Advantages

PitchBob’s recommendation: We offer holistic, end-to-end solutions with reduced interoperability issues and maintenance responsibility. Our model includes project funding, relieving cities of financial burdens. By integrating third-party technologies into our system, we minimize complexity for city services.

Business model

We earn by deploying solutions, sharing revenue at prefixed rates, and through data harvesting for value-added services.


In the last 6 months, we secured an MOU with Parang Panjan, Indonesia. Currently negotiating MOUs with six cities across Hungary, Romania, Africa and further in Indonesia. Partnering with Telecom Cell to offer Smart City Technologies across Indonesia using their 5G network.

In its inaugural year, the company plans to garner significant revenue before depleting funds, possibly reaching a half-million dollar volume.


Over the past half-year, we've expanded our portfolio with nearly 20 new products. Four modules have been successfully implemented in Parang Punja and plans are underway to deploy an additional 16 within this thriving city.


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

Key risks include insufficient investment, ineffective tech implementation causing revenue generation issues, failure to fully deploy solution city-wide, and inability to leverage data for additional revenue.




We raised investments

Our Investors

We are bootstrapping for now presently the founders have invested 100% of The project One founder owns 75% and two founders own 25% together

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments


30 million dollars

Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information