Date of Foundation


test-bench aircraft for OEMs green R&D programs

The Idea origin story

The project aims to build a specialized fleet of versatile aircraft capable of operational deployment. If needed, these can also be reconfigured as test aircraft for aerospace manufacturers' R&D programs in certification and operational validation phase. Initially, we plan to offer a Cessna 208 type plane for ongoing R&D programs aimed at lessening aviation's environmental impact through hydrogen, electric or hybrid repowering, along with increased automation and independence of operations.

The Mission

offer OEMs versatile aircraft and ad-hoc operational expertise to accelerate R&D programs and help decarbonize aviation


OEMs in aeronautics, sustainable aviation fuel suppliers for certification and operational validation projects. Aerial survey companies and skydiving clubs for standard operations.

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup could potentially help OEMs speed up their green R&D programs, reduce aviation's environmental impact, and provide efficient test-bench aircraft for certification and validation projects. It could also offer new operational capabilities to aerial survey companies and skydiving clubs.

Confirmation of problem

the impact of aviation on the environment is knowingly growing. Actions to mitigate it need to be implemented as soon as possible. Extensive testing requires to implement more capacities and resources to shorten time-to-operations.


Versatile aircraft for operations and R&D projects, supported by ad-hoc experts including certified test pilots and mechanics.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Aeronautical engineering, green energy tech, AI for automation, IoT for data collection & insights, Cloud-based collaborative platforms.

How it works

The aircraft is refitted for an R&D test program, operated following the determined flight test schedule, gathering certification and operational data for OEMS reporting.

Value for the client

OEMS gain accelerated R&D, enhanced operational efficiency, validated economics for better decision-making on production and market launch.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Bruno Budim

My key role in the product

My key role is Aircraft Asset Manager, responsible for oversight of aircraft maintenance, modifications and overall operational efficiency.

Team size and key members

I am assisted with a technical manager, responsible for all technical tasks (maintenance, modification, reconfiguration, etc) and a manager of flight operations in charge of the flight test programs



Potential competitors can be aircraft maintenance and management companies looking to expand their services. Also, third-party auditors or consulting firms could potentially offer similar services.

Our Advantages

Our product offers a swift, scalable solution with no upfront capital expenditure. With pay-per-use affordability, there's no need for unnecessary in-house resources post-certification or validation programs. Experience operational excellence from unbiased third-party expertise.

Business model

asset rental, technical and operational services, expert and consulting services


Streamline the evolution of your product, pinpoint and acquire your inaugural aircraft efficiently. Maximize utilization with 280 character limit.

The company's strong operational cash flow and impressive financial track-record will fuel growth through conventional asset-backed financing.


Product metrics currently not available. Stay tuned for detailed data analysis, performance indicators and user engagement insights to help refine our offerings. Your patience is appreciated as we ensure high-quality metric delivery soon!


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

Main risks include: Shifts in regulatory policies that affect certification processes, technology obsolescence with rapidly advancing green technologies, potential difficulty in finding and retaining certified experts, possible fluctuation in demand from OEMs based on R&D cycles and economic factors.




We raised investments

Our Investors

I am the only investor so far

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information