Green Tips
Date of Foundation

Green Tips

"Eco-friendly Climate Solutions"

The Idea origin story

Enable individuals to offset their carbon footprint in a seamless and straightforward way. By integrating our platform, Green Tips, into everyday lives, we allow users to support climate initiatives of their choice effectively. Not just this, users can learn about their personal impact on the environment and discover ways to lessen it while contributing directly towards sustainable practices, thereby fueling positive change for our planet. Our mission is all about immediate action – making environmental responsibility a simple part of daily habits.

The Mission

"Educate about climate impact. Facilitate immediate compensation via money sent to CO2 removal projects. Aid crowdfunding for such initiatives."


People, who care about their impact on the environment and climate.

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup can solve societal and environmental challenges by enabling individuals to offset their carbon footprints. This promotes climate awareness and provides new funding sources for CO2 removal projects.

Confirmation of problem

Climate friendly brands like Patagonia are able to charge premium. Market for carbon offsets rose more than 5x in the last two years. Companies that announce their climate neutrality are able to sell more.


An app synchs with your bank, calculates carbon footprint from purchases, and allows immediate purchase of offsets from credible climate projects.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Blockchain for transparency, AI for estimating carbon emissions, mobile and web development for user-friendly interfaces.

How it works

Purchase data is sent via API. AI calculates CO2 footprint, prompts buy of real-time carbon offsets from our projects register, tracked on blockchain.

Value for the client

Enabling immediate climate action through easy, reliable carbon offsetting and boosting green projects with your funds!

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Emin Askerov

My key role in the product

My key role is Climate projects and marketing, I'm responsible for developing a CO2 footprint database, managing climate project databases and overseeing all marketing activities.

Team size and key members

CEO Ekaterina, 15+ yrs in blockchain/API. Vlad for marketing/BD with digital payment experience. Ivan handles finance, launched B2C startups.



Additional potential competitors could include companies like TerraPass, NativeEnergy, Project Wren, Foundation and Offset Earth. They provide similar services in the climate change sector.

Our Advantages

Our product enhances the customer's experience with instant notifications detailing each purchase's CO2 footprint, along with an option to offset it. Customers can track their environmental impact and donations through our user-friendly app.

Business model

A customers payment of 30-50 cents per kg of CO2 offset translates into approximately 300-500 USD per ton. We buy offsets at 10-100 per ton. 200 USD profit on each ton.


Crafted a climate project selection system, handpicked four projects. Engineered a web-based API and performed initial market research. Validated concept with ride-hailing firm; they opted for in-house development.

Taking strides in climate initiatives with over 15 projects registered, our website is fully operational. Also marking a major milestone - first sales generated between 50,000 to 150,000 units.


1. Monthly active users signify the count of unique visitors engaging with your product in a given month. 2. Churn rate reflects the percentage of customers who stop using your service within a certain time frame. 3. Customer acquisition cost represents how much you spend to gain each new customer. 4. Monthly revenue per customer indicates average earnings received from an individual user every month 5.Spotlight on environmental impact, measured by average KGs offsetted CO2 emissions per client monthly basis

Currently, the company is bootstrapped, with no sales to date. The operational budget stands at $500k for a 25-week period.


Our company incorporated in

Abu Dhabi UAE

Key risks

Some of the main risks include skepticism regarding carbon offsets, lack of trust in projects being funded, users' willingness to pay extra for green practices may vary substantially and difficulty integrating with various banking apps. A downturn in the economy could also affect people's discretionary spending on environmental causes.




We raised investments

Our Investors

Ekaterina Malikova - 25%, Vladislav Sapozhnikov - 25%, Ivan Sergeev - 25% Emin Askerov - 25%

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information

Starting with a website selling carbon offsets, we aim to establish trust and generate initial revenue. Alongside, partnerships with B2C entities will extend our reach through their apps. Future plans include launching our app within the year.