Date of Foundation


Universal Land Parcel Identifiers

The Idea origin story

GeoIdentifier aims to revolutionize global navigation by creating unique identifiers for every square foot of land. Our method eradicates the need for metadata when accessing GPS coordinates. Each assigned token correlates with 1 sqft, thereby segmenting and digitizing the world one square foot at a time. This process ensures that each piece of land has its exclusive identifier, simplifying location sharing and enhancing accuracy on a universal scale.

The Mission

Use this tokens as foundational layer on top of fractional real estate ownership


Client are dealing with fractional real estate Onwership who want to use our technology to utilise tokens in their system

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup can resolve issues related to land identification and property ownership, streamline real estate transactions and provide a unified system for representing land parcels. It also opens up opportunities for more accessible investments in fractional real estate.

Confirmation of problem

Lack of technology to universally tokenize real estate and land


The solution for these problems would start by developing a unique and innovative technology. This could be created through sophisticated geo-tagging algorithms, by digit

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Blockchain and map

How it works

GeoIdentifier identifies land parcels, utilizing IDs to determine token issuance and pinpoint location. No metadata needed.

Value for the client

GeoIdentifier streamlines fractional real estate ownership through unique, globally applicable tokens, simplifying global property tokenization.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Rajasekar Muthusamy

My key role in the product

My key role is CEO and I'm responsible for setting strategy, building a high-performing team, fundraising, managing finances and driving growth.

Team size and key members

Add a marketing specialist, UX/UI designer, business strategist, and data analyst to cover all essential areas.



There are other solution but we are providing a unique solution

Our Advantages

Leverage our breakthrough solution, uniquely crafted to outshine the competition and provide unparalleled experience in the market.

Business model

.1 $ per sqft there are 6 trillion sqft that can be mapped to our technology


We've successfully developed a fully operational product model, now amplified with numerous enhancements. Product evolution at its finest!

We would be making a revenue and established company in the field of tokenisation of world using blockchain and also we would be granted patents on this technology


Our product metrics reveal success in testing millions of Sqft, with the integration of PoA mechanisms offering enhanced control.


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

Main risks include regulatory hurdles regarding property rights and tokenization, potential cybersecurity threats, market acceptance of such a novel concept, ensuring accuracy in land measurements & mapping as well as dependence on technology infrastructure for smooth operations.




We raised investments

Our Investors

No investor own funding

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information