Date of Foundation


"AI-Driven Space Radiation Protection"

The Idea origin story

Emtdlab leverages the power of AI to create advanced radiation shielding solutions designed for outerspace applications. We aim to meet the substantial need within the space industry for effective, innovative shields against radiation damage. Our intelligent systems enable us to design and develop new materials that can revolutionize protection from harmful space radiation, thus potentially transforming future missions into safer, more viable endeavors.

The Mission

We are advancing the future of space exploration. We discover entirely new radiation shielding materials using AI


space agencies, private aerospace companies, satellite integartors

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup could solve critical issues relating to human and equipment safety in space exploration. By devising novel radiation shields via AI, it could extend the lifespan of satellites, protect space staff from harmful radiation, thereby making longer space expeditions safe and feasible.

Confirmation of problem

solar activity has seem NASA and SpaceX satellite to fail


The solution could potentially be the development of an AI system that predicts radiation levels for optimal shielding. This technology could minimize damages and extend spacecraft longevity

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Materials Science Technology, Deep Learning Algorithms.

How it works

Our tech uses nature-inspired algorithms to select radiation-resistant materials, which are then 3D scaled to predict mechanical features.

Value for the client

Safeguarding space missions with AI-developed radiation protection for enhanced astronaut safety and equipment longevity.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s


My key role in the product

My key role is CEO and CTO. I'm responsible for defining strategy, driving innovation, leading teams and overseeing technological development.

Team size and key members

Team: Finance pro, AI programmer, advanced computing developer, physicist in radiation shielding, computational chemist & structural engineer.



To become a unicorn startup, there are several key steps that you should follow: 1. Solve a Big Problem: Your startup should aim to solve a significant problem that society or an industry is currently facing. 2. Unique Solution: Your product or service needs to be unique, innovative and difficult for competitors to replicate. 3. Scalable Business Model: The business model of your startup must be able to scale rapidly as this will attract investors looking for high growth potential businesses. 4. Build A Strong Team

Our Advantages

Boost satellite life by 30% for extended operational opportunities. Achieve up to 15% weight reduction savings on launch fuel, maximizing cost efficiency while ensuring mission success.

Business model

We generate revenue from selling engineering services, electronics shields and structural shielding materials.


Experience our game-changing Symade.ai demo in Q1 2024, showcasing how artificial intelligence can revolutionize your business operations and strategies. Be prepared to step into the future with us!

Successfully engineered our groundbreaking AI platform, produced an innovative material for the first time, and proudly launched our premiere product.


Our product diminishes radiation exposure, dramatically cuts integration time while reducing costs & weight. A game-changer in ensuring health safety with improvements seen on bottom line.

The company successfully secured $2.6 million in funding, a significant financial milestone that enables the execution of its breakthrough proof-of-concept initiative.


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

funding risk, computational time, results validation, testing lifecycle, IP breach, cybersecurity




We raised investments

Our Investors

the investor is the founder owning 99.6% of the shares and the CFO owning 0.04% of the shares

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information

As New Space pioneers, we'll stand out in a century, surpassing those who overlooked AI's ability to create advanced materials.