Date of Foundation


"Influencer platform for content management, analytics, and finance."

The Idea origin story

Blueocto is an innovative platform that helps influencers manage their ecosystem seamlessly. It interlinks revenue streams, social media, and finances while providing data-driven guidance on revenue maximization and follower growth. Additionally, it offers financing opportunities to influencers looking to establish new businesses, with their historical data serving as a foundation for investment evaluations.

The Mission

"Empowering influencers with comprehensive management tools, growth insights and financial support to maximize their potential."


influencers and creators across all industries

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup aims to solve the problem of managing multiple platforms, revenues and data streams for influencers. It will provide an all-in-one platform for revenue maximization, organic follower growth, suggestions for business or product marketing. Moreover, it will use historical data analytics to facilitate financial services like loans and credit facilities to entrepreneurial influencers seeking new ventures or expansions.

Confirmation of problem

The actuality of the problem is confirmed by the fact that most influencers juggle multiple platforms, struggle with data management and often lack funding for their ideas.


Sure, here is the concise version: Develop an integrated platform providing total overview of influencer's work, financials and analytics; aiding smart decisions for business growth and funding.

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

AI, Deep Learning, Big Data Analytics, FinTech APIs for banking & transactions integration, Cloud Computing.

How it works

AI-powered platform offers influencer data and analytics, enabling funding opportunities for business growth.

Value for the client

AI-assisted funding, revenue boost, influencer market management, continuous updates for long-term industry relevance.

Market and strategy

Market size

238 billion


We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

mashruf habib

My key role in the product

Your key role as the founder and CEO is to oversee product development, build an effective team, ensure market traction, and manage growth strategies.

Team size and key members

As the sole member, I've diversified experience and founded ventures like Appnometry, Kudoro, Rescue Plastics & Geste VR.



Here are some additional potential competitors for your startup: 1. Sprout Social, known for their comprehensive analytics and reporting tools. 2. Zoho Social, providing solutions to grow presence across social channels. 3., a platform that helps brands leverage user data.

Our Advantages

Leverage the simplicity of our AI-enhanced platform that merges seamless third-party app integration and intelligent data analytics. Enjoy straightforward, AI-informed decision-making and facilitate funding sourcing with cutting-edge data underwriting.

Business model

monthly Subscription basic 15.99 pro: 28.99 premium : 40.99


Accelerating our product development, we're moving swiftly towards the beta stage. Striving for innovation and superior user experience to reshape the market landscape soon.

Our company is progressing swiftly, already having a beta platform under our belt. We're tirelessly refining and improving it for an outstanding final product.


Product metrics measure active user engagement, long-term value through recurring use and retention rates. It also observes customer behavior within the platform to boost conversions from free trials to paid subscriptions while monitoring Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) versus Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

Main risks for your startup could include high competition in the influencer management platform industry, regulation changes related to data privacy and information sharing, influencers' acceptance of the AI-driven guidance provided, reliability on third-party financial institutions for providing financing to influencers which might impact your business model, failure or slow adoption rate from potential users due to complexity of using multiple features.




We raised investments

Our Investors

self funded

Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information
