Date of Foundation


App / Social Network / Streaming TV and Movies

The Idea origin story

Binge is a unique platform, converging the lines between social networking and streaming entertainment. This app puts you in control by recommending movies and TV shows that resonate with your circle of friends or family. Rather than relying on professional critics, Binge believes in peer curation where the 'experts' are those closest to you; altogether transforming how we discover and enjoy entertainment.

The Mission

Mission: Receive content suggestions from friends and family and encourage to upload content Vision: Be the quickest way to suggest content user will watch and like


I am targeting young woman users from 17 to 25 years old, that like to watch content for fear of missing out and have a tv screen in their room and can afford more than 3 streaming services at once.

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup could solve the challenge of content overload on streaming services by providing personalized recommendations from trusted sources i.e., friends and family, enhancing user's viewing experience.

Confirmation of problem

“46% of consumers have canceled a streaming service due to lack of content of interest.” - Deloitte


1. Unique Value Proposition: To become a unicorn startup, focus on your unique value proposition which in this case could be a more efficient and

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Mobile Development

How it works

Our app presents a curated movie poster upon opening, showing the friend who suggested it. Scroll down to skip movies you're not interested in.

Value for the client

"Discover what friends & family are watching; get personal content recommendations, beat FOMO with the help of your trusted network!"

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s

Pablo Carmona

My key role in the product

My key role is Product, Design, Strategy and Finance. I'm responsible for product innovation, UX/UI design direction, strategic growth plans and financial management.

Team size and key members

Consider bringing in a co-founder with complementary skills, tech lead for product development, marketing expert to build audience and financial advisor for funding opportunities.



Additional potential competitors could be Netflix, Hulu, Disney + for streaming services and Flixster or Moviefone for movie ratings. For social networks aspects consider Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as indirect contenders.

Our Advantages

We're creating the fast-food equivalent in our industry, prioritizing mass appeal over niche expertise. Our startup is for everyone, not just connoisseurs. Think McDonald's amidst high-class restaurants; we're focusing on widespread appeal rather than singular quality classics.

Business model

We will sell a freemium subscription to the users and we will sell preferences information to the streaming platforms with the user's consent


My MVP development is in progress. A business model has been established and user feedback confirms the issue at hand and need for a solution. Intense focus on UX/UI optimization plus suitable market selection are my key pursuits.

Aiming for over 100K users and 15K active subscribers by next year's end, we foresee our expansion into larger markets such as the US. We also plan to apply for the next round at Y Combinator.


Before launching, define key product metrics. Understand customer needs, market demand and competition landscape to refine your offering. Use prototyping for user feedback; iterate features based on this data. Monitor performance post-launch to further improve & bolster growth strategies.


Our company incorporated in

Not incorporated yet

Key risks

The main risks could include competition from established players, the necessity of a large user base for optimal functionality, regulatory issues surrounding content recommendation, and potential difficulties in securing partnerships with streaming platforms.




We raised investments

Our Investors


Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information

Our startup aims to drive innovation in social networking with a prime spot on the Apple Vision Pro Appstore, targeting medium-term success as leaders in tech.
