Date of Foundation


Revolutionizing Crypto-based Life Insurance

The Idea origin story

ANTHEA combines blockchain tech and cryptocurrency to redefine and enhance financial security. Amid digital disruption, we bridge the gap between crypto opportunities and enduring life insurance value. Led by domain experts, we develop innovative insurance solutions using blockchain's security, transparency, and efficiency features. Our goal is to fulfill all needs - whether you're a beginner or experienced with digital assets -, ensuring your family's well-being is protected and your legacy preserved in today's dynamic digital landscape.

The Mission

"ANTHEA bridges the world of crypto and life insurance, ensuring financial security with innovative blockchain solutions."


Crypto native user or people who is explore new investments for their future

Problems we solve

Client’s problem

Your startup could significantly address issues of transparency, accessibility, and security in the life insurance industry. It also bridges the gap between traditional finance and crypto world by allowing individuals to safeguard their digital assets.

Confirmation of problem

the current market lacks any life insurance products specifically designed for cryptocurrency investors.


To become a unicorn startup in the crypto life insurance space, here are some key steps: 1. Unique Value Proposition: Define your value proposition

Our technologies

This solution is based on technologies

Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Cryptography, AI & Machine Learning for risk assessment and prediction.

How it works

Infusing legacy and innovation, we harmonize stability with the unlimited possibilities of blockchain technology.

Value for the client

ANTHEA offers crypto-based life insurance, securing your digital assets while providing a new investment avenue and ensuring your legacy.

Market and strategy

Market size



We estimate the market size for which our solution is designed in monetary terms as follows

Market share goal


% of the market

Is our goal in the next 3 years


My name’s


My key role in the product

My key role is Founder and CEO, and I'm responsible for setting strategies, making major decisions, managing operations, building culture.

Team size and key members

Recruit a CTO for technical leadership, an effective sales lead to attract clients, and a marketing expert with solid digital strategy skills.



Traditional insurance companies that may decide to unveil crypto life insurance as part of their product suite can be your competitors. Also, new startups could emulate your idea.

Our Advantages

Our product offers unmatched flexibility with no legacy issues, designed to seamlessly integrate and operate with new customers as well as collaborators.

Business model

We make insurance margin and also management fees for the life insurance product


Embark on your journey by taking the initial step. Propel product development with a concise, effective approach refined over time.

The company's progress is on an upward trajectory as we're actively raising additional funds. This strong financial capacity strengthens our stance in the competitive market, ensuring sustained growth and expansion.


Incorporate metrics such as the acquisition rate of insured individuals, frequency of monthly premium payments and pace at which new user base is expanding within life insurance product analysis.


Our company incorporated in


Key risks

Some potential risks could include regulatory uncertainty with cryptocurrencies, customer hesitation to adopt new technology or concepts, market volatility of crypto assets which might impact the policy value, as well as securing sensitive customer data on blockchain platforms. In addition, technical issues or hiccups in implementing and maintaining a robust blockchain infrastructure could pose significant operational risks.




We raised investments

Our Investors


Rising Investments



Currently, we are raising investments



Estimated pre-investment valuation of the company

We’re looking for a co-founders

Open positions



Additional information
