Volunteer Search & Rescue training courses
Date de fondation

Volunteer Search & Rescue training courses

Efficient Rescue Operation Training

L'histoire de l'origine de l'idée

Our project is focused on modernized comprehensive training for volunteers of search and rescue organizations and attracting new ones. Using both offline and online training platforms, we provide continuous training on best practices for locating missing persons and effectively organizing successful rescue operations. This combination of traditional and digital learning allows us to build a skilled community dedicated to effectively saving lives.

La mission

Our mission is to build an efficient volunteer community in Israel, focused on swift mobilization for search and rescue missions.


Passionate individuals aged 18+ with a calling to save lives. Already experienced in SAR volunteer organizations

Les problèmes que nous résolvons

Le problème du client

Our project can address issues such as: uncoordinated SAR efforts lack of proper training for volunteers slow response time in emergency situations. It can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of volunteer-based search and rescue missions.

Confirmation du problème

many SAR missions fail due to untrained volunteers and slow response times.


Our project aims to develop a robust volunteer community for large-scale search and rescue operations in Israel by providing regular courses on standard procedures and unique search techniques.

Notre technologies

Cette solution s'appuie sur des technologies

This solution is based on technologies: Communication and Collaboration Web Development Database and Content Management Cloud Services Analytics and Reporting Scalability

Comment ça marche

We provide engaging online SAR training through interactive courses, offline meetings with experts, immersive simulations, and real-world scenarios

Valeur pour le client

is expanding community and volunteer opportunities, saving more lives, responding to emergencies faster, and increasing community resilience.

Marché et stratégie

Taille du marché


mln par an

Nous estimons la taille du marché pour lequel notre solution est conçue en termes monétaires comme suit

Objectif de part de marché


% du marché

Notre objectif pour les 3 prochaines années


Je m'appelle

Mitya Kletzerman

Mon rôle clé dans le produit

is as a Project Leader and I'm responsible for tech strategy, team leadership, product development, and system infrastructure.

Taille de l'équipe et principaux membres

Diverse volunteers from various industries. Tasks: Collaborate, share expertise, and create the SAR platform. Accomplishments: Uniting for Israel's safety.



Current projects fall short in providing modern, comprehensive SAR training for volunteers. Our solution addresses these gaps, ensuring readiness for evolving challenges.

Nos avantages

Our platform distinguishes itself with centralized coordination, ensuring volunteers are prepared for a wide range of SAR situations. We take the lead in innovation, providing state-of-the-art, interactive training and immersive real-world simulations, resulting in heightened effectiveness and user engagement.

Modèle d'affaires

Our reward is in saving lives and serving our community. Our commitment is selfless, for free - we work without charge. Our dedication is unwavering.


In the last few days, we've initiated the project, refining our idea, recruiting team members, building our team, and engaging in discussions to address challenges and propose solutions. Our journey is marked by thoughtful preparation for our mission.


We evaluate product metrics such as: Conversion Rate to measure the efficiency in turning potential volunteers into active ones Monthly Active Users for user engagement monitoring

Our company is driven by a heartfelt mission to save lives, and we don't prioritize financial performance. We operate solely to serve our community, without any profit motives.


Notre société constituée en

Clé risques

The main risks could include: low participation in the training courses resistance from official rescue services or governmental departments regarding collaboration possible legal liabilities associated with search and rescues operations



Nous avons augmenté nos investissements

Nos investisseurs

Investissements en hausse


Actuellement, nous augmentons les investissements


Évaluation prévisionnelle de l'entreprise avant l'investissement

Nous recherchons un co-fondateurs

Postes ouverts



Informations supplémentaires
